exactly and yet a sin/bm does not need a "faction" in order to actually get an invite to pve-- so how balanced is that?
LOl caster nirvana is totally a non issue in the world of pve and only was a viable farming instance for a short time the glitch was in effect and only during 2x. Fact remains- bm's and sins get an invite before a caster for virtually any pve in the game besides delta nd aeu- oh and caster nirvana lol
Yeah- it is true that I don't have the pvp experience that you and some of the others have, but I do have some and I have been playing just about as long as most as I started back in may of 09 or so. I do get that farming experience is not translatable to pvp. Still, all but maybe 1-3 most tricked out geared wizzy on our…
I happen to know of one full g16 bm on dreamweaver that is all +10 with a magic cube neck, magic belt, magic refine rings, and all sapphire gemed. While he is wearing a charm and use magic def charms, It really feels like a total waste of time hitting him. As a full r93 +11 I have to actually get lucky or have help…
Well alot of drops are speculation, and memory does fade over time, but on the 3-1 ribbon boss the drops are really sucky and they were not always so. Out of 10 kills he averaged about 1 green matt per kill with nearly half of those resulting in no green matt. Not one green matt should be very rare in 2x, not commonplace.…
Idk for first half of last nights nw on dreamweaver that is about what the map looked like only fire was the one nearly landless and frost was the one with nearly half the map. At some point the two op squads down on fire's base choose to leave and go attack frost which allowed fire to come back and atleast get third after…
In today's average wc squad on my server, I like to see the barb help the cleric in fire provided the cleric isn't well geared. More and more clerics are full g16N3 and +5 average refines with immac gems and with full squad buff, they should be perfectly capable of soloing. Sometimes I have noticed squads reliance on a bm…
Pretty sure that back when peeps complained about 5 aps being too powerfull-everyone said reroll. If you think purify is that op then my advice is to just reroll.... Purify is only really good against sins/claw users. It does not help at all against mystics,psy,clerics,venos(without pets), wizards, seekers, or archers.
So is this the end of regen being on the map?b:bye
It does not even matter if they are all super op geared, Ten people all squaded and working together sitting in the same factions vent channel and used to working together as a team are very strong and are not likely to be stoped by an opponet it the opponet is a random group of 20 strangers.
Now I feel dumb, did alittle searching and found another thread on exactly this boss. I think perhaps he was just too hard hitting for the squad I was in. What I didn't find was anything about the vile boss relic of wind. Has anyone done him? Whats he like and does he drop defense essences too?
Yeah, they certainly could have made it super cheap like 50 silver or something... Even at it's current price It will be a cost effective replacement for manna charms in the most part, esp for stuff like my bm that ticks his charm just to cast bell. Really, this is one of the most greedy mmo out there as far as that goes.…
Thank you- geuss that is why i couldnt seem to find them...
My favorite--> bh delta 1.sin 2.sin 3.sin 4.sin 5.sin 6.cleric
Up to lv 60 where you should do the nation wars you can do bhs, quests, and make use of the divine orders. Also join a decent faction where someone might toss u a mill to help out with early gear(if it is your main an first toon)
Yeah the dq will be valuable for the demon/sage event card so that people can buy charms to use in the nations war.
Nope, lots of people will be workingon recasting rank9 which will take many of the nation wars worth of cannies an raps (that they won't be selling on the market) as well as the amount it will take to get upgraded ring,tome,cape and hat. Most of the people selling thier tokens result will probably be the lower geared…
Funny thing is everyone keeps talking about how this is going to kill Nirvana, but I would be more worried about it killing TW. Fact is the event is fun...and you can do it without being obligated to do base quests, perfect tw attendance, etc.... having said that- I can't remeber the time anymore when I thought nirvana was…
Well the only 105s Ive saw in game so far today are the ones who spent upwards of 50k us dollars....and one of them has multiple 105 toons. Bans are bad idea anyways just take 5 levels from them all. Not a complete punishment, but better then a meaningless ban an such.
That would only be a good idea if NO land actually paid you to own it and instead costed to own it. If lands costed 5 mill per week- that would be a great coin sink.
Well, If they are adding in a 3rd from of rank 9 and/or nirvy, Then I completely supposrt adding the npc to make getting nirvy stuff cheaper an easier, an also the damascene ore.
Hey - good idea, I doubt anyone would be angry if casters were no longer allowed in normal nirvana and if then there was the same amount of bosses with the same amount of drop in both---however they were not made that way and it is a fact that china is not going to go have thier guys alter the game code. Btw plenty of…
It ok they fixed the glitch. It was clearly not meant to be that way prior. "Nothing needs to be changed in the game" in general the game is just fine the way it is. At this very point in time nobody has any idea just what the amount of farming capability any certain class has. The game just underwent huge changes that…
Yes an update would be nice- i am wanting stuff from the dq page as well as a blessing.----with blessings lasting only 7 days they gotta know that people are missing the page. however- it has been down now for what seems like a long time
I'm still curious if anyone has tried to take the 10 person squad into a nine trial since that is a somewhat "new" instance. It is even one that allows mounts, which sorta sets it apart in some ways from the rest of the instances...although is similair to tw.
once again the biggest nerf is not the 5% damage, but the 20% accuracy(that does not take into effect your accuracy rating). It does not matter what your accuracy is, you are going to have a 20% loss of accuracy off the top. I am not even really sure it bothers to show the misses, they just don't happen. If you had any…
And yet a seeker can whirl around in a circle and bp works as bp can be applied to a seeker(unlike say an archer or veno) , but when a bm whirls around in a cirlce with a weapon with bp doesn't work. Not only that genie skills don't work. So we have a very short skill that barely does any damage an if u have…
Kinda dumb argueing when it is already decided by the people who matter. If anything, should blame all the leaders of those tw factions who dominated the map. The pwi people have spoken- one faction is not intended on owning the entire map. Yeah some poeple wont like it, but im thinking that more will like it then don't. I…
Idk, but if they are in the process of fixing the catshop[ bug then that is a good thing.
Another fun fact-- although rank 9 set bonus kicks butt....Rank 8 recast armor has more psy def an mag res on the heavy plate so even without the int- it is the best armor in the game that doesn't require someone to use a credit card.