What are the lyrics in English? What's it about? I've tried translating it but it's just **** about bagpipes and a lot of "ui ui ui ui ui ui" sounds.
Here's a helpful guide on how to do that quest that we all are talking about in this very productive discussion:
No u, sir!
Wrong. Nation Day was the only good thing to ever happen:
This forum "drama" sucks. Somebody call somebody else a butt so people start throwing chairs and ****.
This is purely food for thought I thought I'd post for you guys. I recently became aware Perfect World had a hand in making DoTa 2. Distribution in China rather, to my understanding, but point is they helped make the game possible to a large market. Got Steam? Go to Store, access the drop down menu and click Stats. You'll…
Oh and also while I'm here: I think we've been jacking Troll's Teamspeak (loko's as far as I know) to play Team Hat Simulator 2 for the past months. We found out the competitive TF2 lobbies actually have a giant mumble server thingy where anyone can just log on and chill, so we'll probably start using that now. Wanted to…
FU** I feel awful now. He must be looking for us... b:sad But it's good to see you are all continuing to thoroughly enjoy your experiences with the game at all times. I still play Team Hat Simulator 2 now and have many important hats that showcase my superiority over other players. I also enjoy Isaac Rebirth and screaming…
Oh and here have a free Tumblroni:
Damn you ARE old, lookit dat signature! I made that post years ago! Don't bother with this game dude, I'm pretty sure the only people still playing have been repeating the same actions en masse for years now. Only bother playing again if your other hobbies include repeatedly sticking a knife in a light socket to see…
What on earth is it writing a log file of when I have like one chinese friend total on skype, and why is the mongoose there
Oh, and this is relevant to PWI because obviously it's a secret code regarding the next expansion. Cuz it's written in Chinese. So yah translate it pls.
Oh hi. Here have a Youtube:
Eoria should just listen to real music. Like these:
Also if your name is "butterscotch girl" and you added me, I replied. And if that is indeed you, you should probably get a skype name that doesn't lead me to believe you are a sexbot trying to coerce me into clicking that suspicious link to see your live cam show where you get real dirty and wild. Then I reply faster…
Holy **** guys. I don't exist. I'm a figment of my own imagination....
Sweetiebot analyze Longknife. Specifically his ****. Also tell me a joke.
Sweetiebot analyze my ****.
I am Sweetiebot. Beep Boop. Servers are go. Please insert cartoon horse erotica into my CD port. All hail our robot unicorn overlords. Boop Boop.
Damn Eoria, you sure drive a hard bargain, refusing to give PWI more than 3 extra dollars per month than you used to for no apparent reason. You sure showed them!
Don't worry PWI, you had a good run:
Hello: A new headache this game not had enough time there falait who put more ca vien very fatiguan all this what bordelle
Hello: A new headache this game not had enough time there falait who put more ca vien very fatiguan all this what bordelle
Red Tide
Red Tide
I hereby declare that this is the greatest post these forums and this thread shall ever encounter, and that this thread immediately be closed and stickied as a shrine to the sheer brilliance of this post.