still no update yet on what is goin on this time???? would b nice if they gave us one...
Yet another long wait ??? Would b nice if they could do the maint in the said amount of time
what a load of ****. 5 hrs and still waiting. and what will pwi do about this ?? give us 2 times to try and make up for it. something more substanial is required here. b:angry
Hopefully he can get a good GM who takes their job serioulsy. I know there r some out there somewhere lol. If he quits due to the GMs not doin their jobs, then all i can say is they will lose another player - me- as well.
**** as in ... they logged onto his acc and stole his coin, pots. charms, teles. tele stones even his love up and down tome. cant think of what else was taken atm. but yeah. the GMs do a real good job of not helpin ppl in this situation.