I haven't added any stones yet but I have some of the Expedient Pyro Stones as well as the Pyro Stones in my inventory and had a giggle when I read the descriptions. Expedient reads as +80 while the lower grade reads as +85. b:chuckle
I just couldn't believe they actually thought that was a valid argument... what even kinda logic is that.
Firefly comes to mind first but also Warehouse 13. Edit: also this!!
you're a day early btw
At least they let us know a couple days prior as opposed to a couple hours like the last login event.... And I agree, I wish they would just stop with these ridiculous login events that they just keep botching. For such events they should just have a GM log in and post a system announcement with a code for those that are…
A specific game on a specific console would be Secret of Mana for the SNES. But I also really enjoyed the Legend of Zelda series across all the platforms it was released on.
I wouldn't jump to that conclusion before we're sure it's not just a graphic change. I'll cross my fingers for a graphic change atleast... b:shocked
There are also NPCs around all the Race Cities and Archosaur called Morai Guide that let you enter Morai. You can use Coordinate Assistant located on the bottom left of the minimap to find all NPCs in your vacinity. Double clicking their names will set them as an autopath tracking point and then double clicking them again…
Can you port to Endless Universe from the Illusion Stone?
>< LilyWinters Archosaur b:surrender I spent way more time on that than I probably should admit. b:chuckle Edit: heh this was my 100th post.
Thanks for the info! I probably would have leveled right past this chain without even realizing till it was too late. b:thanks
Yeah, I've noticed sometimes the kill count list doesn't automatically show in the quest tracker. You should still be able to check that by opening the quest menu though. Sometimes I've also had that quest completely glitch and not show the required kills per boss even in my quest menu; so far that glitch has only happened…
BTW, if you wine the instance, the kill count is automatically completed and the bosses never frenzy. So if you've only ever wined the instance before that could be why the kill count seems new.
If you've out leveled that quests range it wont show in your available quest list.
BHs 69+ get a kill count quest, the numbers are in the quest.
doesn't that instance have a set amount of mobs to kill or the bosses frenzy? next time kill the mobs before aggroing the boss.
I only skimmed the first 15 pages of whiny BS before refusing to read any more so I don't know if any of these have been mentioned yet... - The title quest in Dragon Emerald Gulf mentioned in the patch notes doesn't seem to be implemented. I checked all around 635, 656 as well as all around the entirety of Dragon Emerald…
I'm gonna put my money on 3-4 hour maintenance for the expansion. b:chuckle (actually wanna say 4-5 but I am being optimistic)
Just all around new content. b:victory
My entry: There are millions of free-to-use/copyright free clip-art and images on the internet....
LOL@ maintenance thread being posted by a player. Why are things like maintenance and x2 being announced on facebook but not the forums anyway?
Thank you Sparkie, I love me some Absence Notes.
Thanks for the update Sparkie. b:thanks
Regardless of Sage or Demon the primal version of Great Cyclone does the same thing; both get a dmg increase, both get the lvl11 bonus increased, and both have no CD while in UV/UVD mode. The primal skill for sage just doesn't say that there is no CD in UV/UVD mode.
Jet-pack of course, how is that even a valid question. Naturally it has an unlimited fuel supply. And obviously so I can fly, a hover-board pales in comparison. Unless I get Silver Surfer-esque powers to go with it.
Thank you for posting this, was worried it was gonna be like 2nd RB quest chain where the dig was broken. -_-'
After active points were introduced I noticed that my quest tracker was significantly shifted to the right when I logged in. You might wanna change the resolution and make sure the quest tracker isn't hiding off screen. Also, if you can see the buttons (Current, Active Quest, Title Event) but that's it, then you've hidden…
yes, because there is absolutely no where else you can use them... Thanks sparkie, always appreciate free hypers
Thanks for the free goodies!! But don't stop liking the page guys, gogogo S Card Pack, fash is nice and all but no one is gonna stop to admire your fash instead of killing you. Yay! the anni event again. Wish me luck on a SoT, I'm sure I try once or twice. lol I'm neither here nor there about either of these changes. I am…