Character name: Lilith Class: Cleric [Hair] idHairModel = 545 idHairTex = 313 I've used makeover scroll over 1 month ago, I can't rememver the exact date. Graphic card: GeForce 8600m GT Driver version: I know it's not hair glitch, but this just happened to me too:
Unconquered: Then bring me a beirute.
New look: Old look:
You could also purchase the same items from other players, don't need necessarily buy them with real money.
As I said, they aren't THAT espensive, but they are. I meant I could handle pretty well until now without using so much money, I spent most of my money in skills for now. And I think there are other ways instead of buying items from cash shop all the time, even if they are really helpful and the best way of getting MP most…
Clerics can be pretty expensive, but they aren't THAT expensive. I have lower MP than a pure INT cleric, and I'm pretty sure if you make some Apothecary items, you won't need MP hierogram that much. I would say the mana regen rate items go perfectly in some cases, I rarely run out of MP when I use them and I haven't bought…
Does it worth getting flight mastery if you're going to get Eagle's Wing at lvl 30? You can fly faster than most of the wings, but the SP and money and you can't fast fly and it still costs 2MP per second (even if that's nothing for a cleric, but still can't fly when you have 0 SP). And any idea of when those Cherubim…