Lidushka - Lost City Arc User


  • Yet another team/squad event. What happened to solo questing AS I HAVE ASKED FOR FOR 6 MONTHS NOW AND WAS PROMISE CHANGES. I don't want to have to play with kids, idiots or fails, let me play solo where I amr esponsible for my own fate!
  • Still all my Female Chars are BALD on the initial screen. They lose hair on and off when played I get frequent disconnections I egt graphcsi crashes - despite any attemptes to do as tech suggests - only result is poorer quality People still abuse World Chats No GM's are ever interested in the real issues anymore Nobody…
  • This happens on all my Chars, so think PWI are wasting their time to say it is specifics of race, etc. Basically it is abd and creless programming - I think more than likely it is do with Graphics rendering for the graphics most people who are experiencing the problem seem to have Ge-Force NVidia 8800 or 9800…
  • Well I consider PvP to have been designed for liked minded people to go hunting each other and to fight to the death. I do not consider, however, that "white names" trying to do WQ's, BH's, FB's, etc., only to find it impossible to do so as a much higher level is sitting there and 1-2 shotting anyone who needs the NPC is…