nvm... already figured out what was wrong... can somebody remove this thread plz ^^
think dev team screwed up again there... these r french and german "servers"... the language within the game should depend on the client u use... which is why they released a french and german clients.
not working for me even with creed's way *sigh*
way too many QQin about this... i remember playing without interval gear for over a year and was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more fun... at least barb will be needed to tank stuff again... bosses and hard stuff will be a bit of a challenge again (i hope). gotta love the noobish new generation... they join, cash shop, get to 100 in 2…
true for most items. but some items can not be sold or traded so ur stuck with what u get good or bad. the lunar cape on HT costs about 35-40 mil. if ur gonna spend that much money on an item that can't be sold or traded, then u'd want to know if there was a trick or a rumor about getting better stats as well.
Lols at fail to read "rumors". if u heard none then spare us. this is the same as refining rumors. if u go to the official pwpedia u will see a full section about refining "rumors". but i guess some ppl just don't like reading :)
i already have a - channeling warsoul helmet atm. trying to see if it goes the other way around =)
ty. hope this is true. gonna try it out i guess and see what i get. better not be glitched lol.
bump. still no decent answer. b:sad
is that something u actually tried and got the perfect stone for ?
well only prob i'm having is the result box is empty. no [?] or anything. just blank.
tried em. nothing there at all.
ok u guys all need to look carefully. i double checked and ur all wrong lol. clearly says "Decompose to: 1 Warsoul (Price: 50.000)" when i try to decompose it i see the fee "50k" but i don't see the item coming out of it. another link for u guys to triple check if u like:…
i guess that's a no client for Mac lol. would've made lots of lives easier really. ah well, i guess he'll do one of these to get on. thanx =)
tnx alot for the info guys.... not really precise but at least i know now that it isn't a waste to get a good att or def lvl =P tnx again
this is starting to be really silly.... i set up my cat shop outside of archo just to get away from the crowded area inside.... and the client still crashed after about 5 mins.... GMs ?? we didn't hear anything from u guys for a while.... u guys found out what the problem is exactly ?? we could use an update about the…
tnx for answering.... but which mounts cost 200k to revert exactly ?? and isn't just strange that some rare mounts like the midnight and the boa cost only 20k while an elephant that can be bought from the boutique costs 200k ??!!
well since there isn't a reply in here yet.... i'd like to know this 2.... just reverted the spurred chubbs to egg for 200k !!!! this can't be true cuz i have been reverting all kinds of mounts for only 20k.... and i really mean all kinds ((midnight, spurred raptor, panthers & bears(spurred & unspurred), spurred kirin,…
problem still there.... just so u know b:cry
just how long this will keep going ??!! it's almost a week now from the update and still no fix... i lost at least 70% of my usual income become of this cat shop problem.... well to be precise.... it's archo problem... even when not in a cat shop the client will crash.... but cat shop looks to make u crash faster for some…