Levos - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Envy faction site changed http://envy.clan.su/ Is no longer active http://envypw.mmoguildsites.com is the new one to replace it.
  • Envy has had a address update the datacenter that our site was hosted out of was closed on us. Faction name: Envy Faction Leader: Levos Website: http://envy.clan.su
  • that i will have to agree with this is one of the few f2p games that doesnt have to force you to pay money to get anywhere with the game. because i left a game because that the item mall became the only way to get anywhere in the game. and that im happy that PWI hasnt done that.
  • yes i have to admit that it would have a possibility to cause the need to buy gold to lessen to a degree, but that is also something that i have considered with my comment. now im not going to say that those who sell the gold purchased with rl money only selling it to make that quick buck with in game coin as i know that…
  • that is not really true as pwi can still set the price for the gold to be reasonable for those who cant afford to drop rl money for the game which is why they are playing a free game to begin with. but they can also set it high enough for those who wish to buy gold with rl money will still do so.... and Elder are you…
  • while removing the gold buy option all together is fine and dandy but you will still have people jacking up gold prices, if you want a way to make gold prices stay at a flat level. have PWI sell gold in game from an npc at a fixed price then all the greedy gold sellers will have to lower their prices to match that of the…
  • Envy's webpage address has been changed, it is now located at http://envy.clan.su if you could update it that would be great
  • - 'Envy - Levos - http://pwfaction.atbhost.net
  • 'Envy is still open for recruits. As my Friend Silentol said. we are still a fairly new faction seeking more members. Some of our goals are to gain in strength to participate in TW, TT, FB, World Bosses and more. There is no waiting list, there is no level restriction nor is there a class restriction. Everyone is welcome,…