Well Nurfed, speaking as a close personal friend, i am here to give you some financial advice. Go yo your nearest bank, get a credit card. Take said credit card home, and proceed to Log into your account, and then cash shop moar. All your problems in life will be solved.
haha see! its not only me! ajani thinks this boy is phail to xD buy ajani ur bm is a beast lol
Even tho this person has good points lol, dont listen to him, hes a nab in fc, nite, i will never fc with you again, cant even dg right, o god lol b:kissb:angryb:shutup
lol in my opinion, since i usually pull fc with friend squads and never with randoms i never take money for repairs, but expect my friends to help me with stuff later. BUT if i am in snowy and some says " LF BARB OF PULLER BM FOR FC! PAYING 150K!" i do take advantage of the situation xD but on average, if theres a good…