it's okay, more of just like a formal letter from me to the content development team. i know they read these.
i have same problem, why did u post it on pwi forums tho? xD
i see what your trying to say, i suggested something like this a couple months back. I suggested that they offer like 10 rep per kill for ppl withing 10 levels of you, and some other things. But mainly, what makes this game good is its lack of rules. The fact that im lvl 90 and can run around aoe'ing lvl 30's all day is…
nah they wouldn't do that. They probly get the budget to create FW from the pockets of PWI players.
yeah like wow arenas, good idea.
Agreed. there are many better games out there than pwi, if this gets to expensive try Vindictus, or LOCO, or allods, or Battle of Immortals, or some other pwe games. PWI is just an outlet for cash to make better games, in my opinion. You could even try a ptp, theres hundreds of good games out there, spending over $100 on…
well done. these are obvious bugs, pwi should be embarrassed that they didn't fix most of these before rising tide came out.
legit sugestion b:victory
sounds like going demon or sage wich is at lvl 89 lol
btw just proposed this to my guild and all online this this system would be awsome. ^^
you guys talk alot. pretty much heres whats gana happen, TW guilds will stop giving sallary wich ejects aboute 600m (right?) out of the game. that 600m would normally be used twards buying gold for charms, teles, gaurdian scrolls and general items from other players. you deprive all of those players from 1-3m a weak then…
it might have been after that patch that ruined tw system and chat. alot of the tw guilds rpked that night. oh and btw essence is scrubs. that is all.b:bye
All hell has oficialy broken loose on lost city. the TW guilds that have full +10 nirv gear are now rpk pretty much rage quitting archo gates... honestly pwi if you dont change this before the majority of your players logg in tomarow your game is lost. -emergency patch saturday august 7th 2010 - change fonts back, change…
lol with 10+ coments on this post rolling in like every second i expect it to be fixed in the next hour, just keep up the hate mail! b:victory
honestly, did sumone accidently **** on the games font files or are you guys just reta.rded?
widen health bar in top left corner, widen whole chat box if your gana keep the little box that tells u what chat ppl are speaking (wich you shouldnt) fix font size on freinds list, login screen u know what *** it CHANGE BACK YOUR DAMN DISPLAY NOW!!!!!!!!! b:angry
damn that bad? my client is still updating :3
yes that is a very good idea, or being able to chat with players on another server using the chat interface on your freinds list i could live with. either way there should be some server to server interaction in this game.
lol u play pve server b:chuckle in pve server u dont see west gate get aoe 1 shot by a sin. =] today i watched a 8x sin with 7x armor 1 shot a lvl10x archer with full hh90+3 3 socket and gold hh99 bow. sin = op
yeah deffinatley a no there buddy, the population of pvp servers is still pretty low. its like 3 guilds that own all tw in lost city. and harshlands is worse haha.
yeah sum bich did this **** on me last night, read my exact mag atk, hp, lvl, mp, ect... wtf gm's? when sumone says they 1 shot me i wana b able to say i have 7k hp and not 5k and that it was 2 shot and i lagged xD You SHOULD show lvls tho so then when a lvl 83 sin 1 shots a lvl 100 archer the archer cant lie abt his lvl…
ok you guys have obviously never played another server other than your own. most ppl on pve servers would get pwned by ppl on pvp servers, lost city has the first lvl 103's, lol honestly the servers are the same lvls and gearscore its just pvp servers u can kill whoever u want whenever you want and pve servers you cant. if…
roris a beast! haha wizard - if u can sneak up on them just stun, dimension seal, razor feathers, then plumeshot till they dead. they can be kind of a pain cas they silence u but u can usualy 1 or 2 shot them if you dont suck. venomancers - sleep the veno, plume sheild, spark if u can, then its relly subjective to their…
its very well thoughout post ill give you that, but bh isnt a quest we do to get gear, we do it to lvl in fact its pretty much the only real way to lvl after 65 unless u CS (not including frost 85-100). cool idea for maybe a seperate daily all together =]
i belive they took the option of demon and sage sparking in stealth mode out, but norm and 2 spark you still can. i think the overall dps of sins needs to be nerfed.
well that does have some truth but the reasone pwi makes new servers is to acomidate the mass of new players coming into the game (hence the new servers after rising tide expansion) they could put a cap on the amount of active players (online in last 20 days) and not allow any more players to switch over to the server once…
sorry, ill add in weakly tournies. And cube arena is not the same thing. This arena would put you agains randoms from other servers that are your lvl in a bracket of lvls in your squad (highest lvl squad member to lowest lvl squad member), rather than just you and a couple freinds wanting to tw practice wich is mainly what…