Lailahh - Harshlands Arc User


  • now when u say sell DQ items u meen to the store or cat chop? and why wouldnt i use DQ items to do DQ's?
  • so ur saying u dont use LA but ur build to use it?
  • i'm in love with this idea
  • what i think is happening is you dont have enough open slots in your inventory to receive your prize as this has happend to me with my supply stash and lucky cards
  • well i planned on saving my quests to get threw 40-50 cuz i've herd its a hard to lvl in between those levels so i was gonna do my FBs to give me a boost and edge during that lvl period but that sucks that i cant do my FB 19 or 29 we'll i'll besure to do my Fb's from now on :S anyways thanks everyone for the fast responses
  • i was mainly meaning i like to just create faces and don't use them sometimes i was wondering if i could upload them and let other people use them i mean i've played the sims and they do this type of thing where u can download other people,building,furniture i just was wondering if it was thought of and i'm not trying to…
  • wow i saw this on the news but whats scary is i was watching a movie called "dickie roberts" on my DVR (i have comcast) and at the end of the movie during the credits people sing a song and during the song they sang about michael jackson and right after the song ended i stopped the recording well the last thing i was…
  • well i think a herc it better and u can make some serous money grinding with it i would know but i've never herd of a gears is it another shorting for nix? or is it something completely different?
  • well i want 3 i for each type swimming,flying and land Swimming is a :Dragon of the Depths Seen here Land is : torga Seen here and flying is : Jewelscalen seen here
  • ok this is a noob question but whats a vix and a herc i just wanna know cuz I've herd people talking about it a lot but i have no idea I've searched and all i got was the abbreviation of them