Those new forums make my head hurt...
Xbox 360 & Xbox 1 Final Fantasy XIII 1 & 2 Dragon Age Inquisition
2011??? Wow... What's PWI's record for longest running thread?
I remember something about a cata glitch being spoken about while in Enrage. I'm fuzzy on how it works though. But that being an excuse for losing, I don't remember seeing it being used.
I have to agree with this guy^^^^ Lola is biased, they've been Rad for as long as I can remember...
To be perfectly honest, GD doesn't have that great of a turnout for TW, when compared to Voltage; so he's being honest about be outnumbered. It's so infuriating too, by the way. But that cata glitch thing. I know little to nothing about it, but I don't think I've ever seen that excuse being used.
Since those crystals won't work on the new classes, hyper away on the snowmen!!!
I'm still around when I'm not dealing with health complications. But most of the good people have left...
Wow, guess I won't be buying any 10* orbs....
My daughter convinced me to dress up as Maleficent when I take her trick or treating. I'm not doing anything special for Samhain though; energy is just too low and my daughter is too inquisitive about things she doesn't understand.
I miss the "a new day is upon us" system message...
My boyfriend, before he quit, had a good computer and wasn't able to make the jump either. His issue was a really crappy internet connection. I have not been able to: - get the stage three rank nine archer chest mold despite the fact I've been farming for it since stage three has come out - solo Abaddon or Seat of Torment…
I've been playing PWE games since 2008, and I've only had one incident where nothing could be done, but that was because of the length of time that had passed. The most recent incident happened in August, it was a hacking incident, and it took about 2.5 weeks to get it resolved. For the few amount of people that they have…
The forums have never accurately reflected in game information. I know players who were level 105 but the forum insisted that they were 87.
When the game was first launched, the most you could have was six; they added two extra spots with the tideborn expansion. So it wasn't always eight. But they don't intend on adding anymore.
I'm glad that they're giving something new to low levels too. And hi Cotto.
Seriously? If that's the case, what happened to PWI saying that they weren't going to intervene in player based economy? If it's true, then I welcome lower gold prices. The prices have grown outrageous; PWI should have stepped in a long time ago.
I'm actually pleased that this expansion has a lot to offer new and lower players. So many of the recent updates and expansions favored players that were either near or at end game. It gives the less experienced players something to help keep their interest in this game so they don't get disheartened while making the long…
I'd rather appreciate 2x drops right about now; it'll give me a better chance of getting my last two molds...
Awfully late with the maintenance thread, huh? Something else to fix: the chatbox freezing. It gets dangerous at times having to catch up on what's being said. But I'm glad to know I'm not the only one rubber banding a lot...
I know right? Rawthorne says I'm obsessed with PWI, but yet every time I turn around, he's playing Clash of Clans on his phone... I can't take my game out to dinner!!!!
Cashmere, the part about redeeming it on a character that hasn't had one yet was not in the original post, it was added later on.
- Step by step instructions on how to get rid of it completely.
Still sucks that most of the playerbase can't even use the jade packs...
The message has been delivered. Rest well.
Damn Kossy, we've been here for a while haven't we?
Nope, haven't been there. But it honestly looks a lot more enjoyable than Mackinac Island. To be honest, my favorite parts were the carriage tour and butterfly house. The curator for the butterfly house let us in just after it closed, when the butterflies were nestling in to go to sleep, so I was able to get some really…
I saw Maleficient and Guardians of the Galaxy. Both movies were OK, but I think the latter would be much more enjoyable if I were stoned when watching it. This past weekend, my boyfriend took me to Mackinaw City for the weekend as a birthday gift. It was nice, but aside from a lot of shopping and buying fudge from 13…
I just want a muzzle for him so I don't have to listen to his obnoxious back seat driving.