i was hoping u'd vid that b:cute thanks for upload and very well fought ! too bad my charm died without me noticing .. PS. this time u got some decent tunes in :D
I've seen it do the same on archer , veno , bm , psy , mystic , seeker so far it only doesn't do it in prewiew.
i was anxious to see it so yeah i was camping the forums sorta b:thanks
Omigosh ! I simply LOVE it! Amazing !!! ty soo much b:cute
took me whole 10 packs to get it b:chuckle
that wud be the case unless i also had way past 25k+ p deff while in mag marrow too b:laugh + theres things like p deff charms ftw besides only class i dont mag marrow agains is sin and barb and bm in 1v1
Also true if you let such things affect ur decisions.. my list was based on the performance of the ppl i witnessed you can easily tell im everything but a friend to some of the ppl in my list.
Every1 that logs on for tw is valuable.. doesnt matter what gear... i think the point was to name the most valuable players henve the mvp id assume.. theres also the fact no one person can observe what every1 doin in tw so u have to base ur choices on what you see wether its videos or playing in the fields... saying only…
Assasin: Kastus, Theo , Ulq Blademaster: weiwei , nigoshi Barbarian: man purecat linc KMA Cleric: AB Yoinie CW Arawin amily Wizard: Enemy , Spell that one in vici dont recall name of cherrychen maybe or smth Mystic: LadyFloral Optimystic genei (mite be some in vici too just nvr seen any) Seeker: HOTSAMA , Disrupted…
but the most painfull bug is when i got the new fashion burlesque one and dyed it to a wonderfull red ... The skirt part keeps flapping from the back when u stand still ... its like somthin trying to come out of there b:shocked
so he finally went selfbuffed b:chuckle but u r so right a JOKE b:laugh
but but then id loose b:cry was worth the shot tho went to bed cause no1 wanted to show up b:shutup
okay so the r9 axes are called warflame cleavers and i actually managed to find one ss of me with them if that helps. Also took new SS in lighter place with 3 diff fash set colors for ya. Tell me if you need anything else. Thanks.…
Overflow of irrelevant .... stuff... overall pointless thread... the tw bidders bid as they see fit... just overall pointless ... b:surrender
Amazing work! I'd love on too if thats possible. b:cute Writing:LB Raging Tides Images: Theme:could be all dark an gloomy or all light and bright u decide which one suits what you come up with better Colours:pink red black yellow white u choose which one suits…
- more or less what i had on that fight cept all the values for some reason are a lil off b:sad like my p attack without barb buff is actually 19,8-29,8 and not what the calc says .. also even tho i added the buffs i had in there my def marrowd is closer to 25k with those buffs. Str pure…
that was super fun ... Thanks Spell for taking the time to organize this b:dirty and ty also to all that took part of it b:victory
One troll vanishes another one emerges.. this forum never seizes to amaze me. b:bye
Yes there was ... perhaps u missed it.
Theres also the fact only one outa 20 players in rt even use these forums.. maybe cause the sorry state they in or maybe not i doubt any1 would choose to read these if they allready dont .. after all its a game.. and theres more fun in just simply playing than reading /typinh here.. and ofc theres the point of litle…
Hmm legit helpfull posts? I believe theres quite afew of those guides and helpfull things... theyre just mainly posted in faction sites and other sub forums.. is there actually a need to copy pastr existing posts? I find a search option more usefull.. other than that i have no clue what this tread about.. b:bye
Epic show b:chuckle
So much fuss around this.. lets just agree to disagree on everything and be done with it.. yes i keep reflecting some peoples statements to aflicth with a whole faction.. reason is simple no one has proved me otherwise.. its case of do what is done to you.. i am a nice person perhaps no gentleman but many of you will never…
This thing died out before it even got started? b:surrender
Lool priceless
ROFL well i though a day without pwi wud be boring untill i read this b:chuckle no offense just made me giggle like a lil girl b:laugh
same problem b:surrender
awwz mustve read it wrong then thx b:bye
Exactly my point b:chuckle no1 ever leaves 4real.
Some ppl actually have friends here thats why.. b:laugh And have a nice break sister u wont quit for sure b:chuckle