Took me 3 tries and still looking! D:< Joking, I love the fac I'm in now and I'm never leaving it b:cuteb:victory Dark Rose woot! :O
lmao Seriously? As my friend would say, what are you smoking and where can I get some? XDD
lmao I remember the first rage quit and rant I got for my "noob skills". I was in fb39 and this bm kept rushing ahead and, suprise surprise, kept dying. I rezzed him a few times and he kept quiet, but after the like 5th time he blew up at me, "What lvl is your rez skill?!" It was the highest lvl possible at the time and…
Nice, that explains a lot. :D Thanks you guys. b:laugh b:victory
lol I'll do that. Hopefully it'll work. Thank you for your suggestions. <=)
GAH! I totally forgot, I feel like a dork. >:P That would explain why both East Servers are down... Thanks for clearing up my sweet lil head. b:laugh
Thank you, I meant armor. Well, the website you gave me helped a lot so I don't mind too much that we can't preview it. b:pleased Thanks again!
Oh! Real quick, which ones are best for flight? I've heard that the regular wings are usually the fastest...
Oh, sorry didn't see that. Okay thanks :)