LYMagicality - Sanctuary Arc User


  • I admit I don't know much about Barbs, but I do know about Flesh Ream (which increases threat level) which I briefly talked about - however my post wasn't directly saying the tanker was a barb... what if you have a BM? I mean, you will not get barbs all the time because on my server in my faction, there are a lack of…
  • Sorry for the late response, havent been on this char much. I agree it was a bit awkward - let me find another way to put it. Your damage as a wizard is very high and because of this reason, if you do not let the tank hit the foe long enough (to match your spell to come) then you will draw aggro after your first spell…
  • I believe the aggro system in PW is a bit different form other MMOs. You're experiencing monsters run after you because you do more damage to them. I think the system measures aggro of a monster in threat levels which is why me as a PvE mage dont cast a single spell and let the BM beat the mob for a good 2 or 3 seconds so…
  • I have done so but have not heard anything from them. Any idea if I get a response at all?
  • It's a gold bug. It happens to a few others too... and I've fallen victim to this bug. I'm quite new to this game aswell (around a week). -___-" It's a gold bug. He said he done nothing which probably most likely does mean he was doing NOTHING. I've experienced this a couple times myself in the last 2 days. I am a newcomer…
  • This is getting ridiculous. I just lost another 20k as an Elf Archer (new char I made). This needs to be fixed! I do not feel that the gold I have with me will be the gold I will have tomorrow! >.< edit: btw, I was the IrAlien poster.