Kwon - Raging Tide Arc User


  • i think it depends a little of your style but here is what i level as fast as i can and use the most - aqua impact, spirit blast, black voodoo, aqua spirit, earthen spirit. i brought white voodoo and bubble of life up to lvl5 and only ocasionally lvl them when i have spare points. maybe some do not agree with me but i…
  • try not to hit as fast as u can. our channeling time is pretty low so if u hit the keys continuosly it's obvious u will eventually take aggro, especially with bv and ocasionally a spark. u just need to time your hits acording to the lvl of the tank.
  • u don't use this in squads to heal the tank, it's good to take the clerics mind off of the ranged DD's an let him focus on the tank.
  • i'm not sure about wich skull you're talking about, but if u mean skill i think it depends on the mob's elemental affinity, as well on the voodoo u have on(and if u have any). i don't remember this happening to me though
  • ok THIS is just on the front page and i think it has a lot of information about the class and the skills they have. but now to answer your question... psychics are a high-damage magic class, but are very low on hp. that souldn't be a problem as until now i can 2-3shot every mob 3-4lvls higher than me, and using…
  • ooh it's so true. but after a certain time you learn to cope with that. before i reached lvl2 apotechary i used to buy like 50-100 mp pots at a time. afterwards just manufacture focus powder and u won't go out of mp. it's a cheap but rather time consuming solution(consider the time spent gathering salvia and crane herb)
  • actually i started my tb 3 or 4 days ago, but by "things" i meant the progress made with every patch. b:surrendernot that i'm saying i'm not slow
  • and luckly the hairstyle from the avatar isn't as girly as the ones u get when creating the charb:sad with those haircuts i prefer the bald bm, so Tsubasaa don't feel so blue b:chuckle
  • sweet? i thing they look like **** on females. and on males... the males look really **** as there is, when u get those fairy wings i think it's too much to bare b:shocked
  • when i had to kill that b:angryGOATb:angry there was a willing-to-help guy to hit him once an put his hp arround 55 after did 3 dmg i think. after that it didn't seem to take that long
  • ^ takes my mind to some evil doctor villain from old comic books b:chuckle pretty original if you ask me 9/10
  • i rarely used wv, but when i did it saved my behind. bw is on almost all the time , the mobs don't get close enough to feel the downside of the skill. only bad thing about it is the massive aggro u get when using black voodoo. but all in all they are both very usefull if used when supposed to
  • well i'm pretty low lvl but i noticed that u have to be careful when in squads because we get aggro so fast... but i've never been turned down when a DD was needed PS thanks for the guide it really helped a lot when started.
  • in the rythm the things are going i can only hope they will implement them until i'll reach that lvl