i think they would be mostly shadowy and dark but also water cuz their habitat is underwater (from what has been said)
I want the new Psychics to be more like Warlocks and dark priests in WOW they get some mind control but at same time be able to summon demons and stuff without having to tame them and have to pay 20mil or 100mil as it is now for a pheonix or a herc summoning a demon would just eb down to a skill they needed spirit and…
They tell us to not spam this forum but but as far as i know spam is when a person repeats the same thing over and over again right when isnt that what the duke is doing?!?!? well anyway i think that the devs should just let this event be on for a week and also give us the ability to turn off duke atleast am sure that way…
kk lol good luck the devs not gonna change anything cuz all they care about is a bigger paycheck
GUYS STOP COMPLAINING THAT THE GMs HAVE RUINED THE GAME, GMs are just doing their jobs and up to now i think the gms done good job it's the developers who F**Ked up the game but anyway back to my question when is the new race and new class gonna be released plz reply