b:surrender some archers do survve aginst sin attcks <_< P.S I HAS TO LEVEL!!! -.-"
sin appears demonsparked/double sparked and starts with a throat cut. then immoblizes then stunned then w/e -.- i dont get why you think sins are easily defeated. if a archer can survive.. why cant we? we also have deaden nerves,focused mind...b:dirty and divine.. ill try to gtfo
b:angry i have learnt my class. i dont see how you can accuse me of not learning my class b:angry and try and 2-4 shot a vit sin
C O O L D O W Nb:surrenderb:chuckle
no maxing out aware? thats just fail >.> if you want to pvp.. aware goes above catliketread.
b:angry you are arrogant b:cry. you think you,a full dex archer can two shot us? try again when a sin pops up next to you sparked already with you silenced,immoblized and then stunned.
yes yes you are correct b:victory. and expirenced sins wont give them a chance to make a move.. headhunt,sleep,throatcut helps ALOT
LOL archers wont get replaced.. now quit arguing about which class is better :'<. there all excellent classes D:
O_Ob:shocked massive damage yes.. but there is a way to stop and counter. if the group is experienced, they wont go and bunch up waiting for some aoes to hit them <_<. they will be seperated.. anyways the sin class is popular,, there is a chance that a higher level sin is lurking nearby and can destroyone in a matter of…
i dont get what are you trying to telll other sins to do.b:surrender right now.. all im getting is that your just telling them to lock them in place with tackling slash and shadow teleport . in open pvp if you pop right next to someone they will do their defensive skills.. so if you tackling slash them and they put up a…
power dash gives rage damage not crit %. and sins do get sins.. max your aware >.< , its hilarious to see a sin that you can see in stealth try and kill you
ehemm... Clerics... plumeshell BMs... stun venos.. bramble hood Wizards... that move thing (forgot its name b:cry) Psycics.... lv 59 stun barbs.. (which sin goes for this anyway? >.>) arma archers.. winged shell how are you gona win with all these defences!! O:!! b:chuckle anyone thats 8x+ will react immediately.. you need…
ok first things first <.< twin strike isnt useless... its a very useful skill.. assassin relies on skill damage (Chill f the deep) so twinstrike is good DPS between locks... likea BM.. they need to use lower level skills to maxamise damage between stun locks. 2nd. NEVER use stealth in PVE.. its not necessary and requires…
why not make a pking vid? :3
personallyi dont see how hard HA veno is.. just more defence b:surrender guess ill need to find a HA veno and pk b:chuckle