whocares I only got make over scrolls and dyes,But I think they need to rid it anyways it might make the botting go away in some cases,,yeah ill miss it but I was here long before this so if it goes then oh well,but if something else is added the yay! They are just doing a cosplay on how the RL world is going down the…
you all fail to need r9 recast,plus wouldn't brag about it since most of your checks are now some other governments lolb:laugh
Its just natural human nature of being competitive.Yes its a game and its competition. Fact of people that aren't serious and not competitive: 1.They have crappy gear. 2.They play for "fun".(who likes fun when you know your there to be a one hit wonder) 3.They have semi ok gear but just don't know wth to do because they…
YES because rank isn't a achievement anymore you just buy it now.
6 gold lastnight lol
Link weapon I really think people need to link their gear because the weapon isn't going to keep you alive. Application for guild lol come on its a stinking mmo that you can never go pro in on a epic scale just fill your stinking roster. People who dump a butt load of real cash in their toon due to "not enough time",look…
is your name above her head,is her name above your head,if so then your married.
dunno,i been married for like 4 years ingame and I really don't care lol,rarely do the quest anyways to even pay attention to what skills it has to offer,i rather see a excitement card to be honest b:laugh
Weird just noticed my baby was born on the first day I logged into perfectworld,sept this a curse?
Come on pw these kids need their r9 stuff.This injects confidence into the community it gives them a "I can do anything now"attitude and we need this.
Seriously you guys need a job
Why do these r9 hacks cry about this stuff? Discuss.
Look if you can't attend then oh welllllll,to me NW is boring and playing at night at 11:20-1:20 am is kinda sucky,maybe if it was 10:20 pm my time it would be ok because usually after 10 I lose intrest of the game by then.Im sure if tokens were able to trade you will see a spike back up on raps and canny and everything…
Yeah and the same op people still farm the world bosses we need more world bosses so the op can graduate to those and let the nubs get the old ones lol
r9 this r9 that..really?..rank in the store 24-7 who needs a sale.
ba byeb:bye
or if you actually walked around arch im sure you would see one...
Yeah it's kinda pathetic to see blue named pluses out r9's running around
Sweetiebot report all the broken hearts in on perfect world right now. come on guys your all sounding like sucky reporters in a hurricane.
nudges sweetiebot,hey baby tellem the status..DEAD!b:laugh
old news bro old news.
QQ now go stuff your head in a pillow and scream.
shut up,**** your net is pro or something.
move along.
b:cryb:cry AHHHH WE ALL GONNA CRY MASS DISCONNECTS AHHHHH!!!!!!b:cry Actually I had none..its not pw..its not new hardware..its you..its you you you so plz stop complaining to pw about disconnects..its internet with itb:bye
I..the game was made in 08..its old just move along your missing nothing.
Alot get the pack so they can turn the gear into apoth :/
Well since you said that lol consider yourself marked hahaha
Oh it's A 105 rank 9 thread
It's a mmo they are all the same time wasters.You either play it or you don't and when it starts to feel like a job that's when you quit or take a break.IMO stick to RL it's a better place instead of looking like a mindless zombie a the computer screen