Omg, I was playing for months, then my sound drive crashed, and now it stopped working, with THE SAME PROBLEM! It was running perfectly fine without the sound drive before, then my dad re installed the sound drive, then it crashed, now the game wont work. And its only this game. It happens when I attack monster's, or move…
Well, I roleplay alot, im always looking for ppl to roleplay with, and I like writing descriptions of my characters, such as... Koysucci, a young female tideborn, has the body of a mortal but is actually a demon, well.. half demon. She is blind in the sun light after years of hiding in caves etc etc... you get my point.…
srsly?? So, are the mods even gonna look at this?! Dont tell me I just wasted my time........
Well, I meant this as a description of your character, not of yourself. And only to be giving stuff such as personality, age, and other small details, and small bits of the characters past. And also wether the character is a demon or not. Most of my characters are half demons...... Im an Inu Yasha fan.....XD