i would say thats not quite true.. b:laugh barbs are good in pk. and yes, this game went bit wrong direction when they changed example lunar cave. the old "allmost impossible" lunar was fun and challenging. barb was rlly needed to be meatwall there and squadwork had to work. :) today u can go solo the cave.. wheres the…
U dare to call this Economy ? 400-500k for 1 darn gold? i say yes for that. it drops mat prices and ppl who cant spend rl money in. can get those mats via drops bit faster. this ur called economy is corrupted allready. 2x drops only helps non cashshoppers.
i have that skill learned, but no, not working, no icon shows. works just like regular model of skill. been testing it this week in duels,pvp, frostland.
its not working in pve either, FF is good place to test it and no, its not rebounding anything, pve/pvp both same
hiya aryanna :)