KomaHoks - Harshlands Arc User


  • Same with me, also few others. Some of the updates are giving non-stop DCs every 15 - 60 minutes. GMs - don't even dare to make us go post stupid tickets and fix your own mistakes!!! Do it as u did before. Just make sure it won't take 3 weeks and we're all fine. Btw if u're interested about previous DCs make sure u find…
  • Cause people are ignorant and lazy to go and post/read/whine on forums or anywhere else. However if i write a Tele after each of these DCs asking if anybody DC'ed i'm always getting a few whispers back... So there are lots of people having this trouble. Anyway. i've got an idea, Asurai, so if u wanna hear it out add me on…
  • And here we go again... got 3 DCs today. Might be some other problem however it happened in like 2 hours :) sooo... nothing fixed so far lol
  • Some good news from my side. Still didn't catch a DC/lag, however DCs were changed by Ping and enormous lag every 30 mins - 2 hours. This is actually better than DCs since i can at least leave catshop for a night. How about u guys?
  • Thanks to all repliers for support. Those who answear - please make a note on which country do u live and what ISP are you using. We need as much info on this as possible. FOUND 2 MORE PEOPLE HAVING PROBLEMS IN USA WHICH ACTUALLY MAKES IT EVEN MORE WEIRD! "SOME INTERNATIONAL SERVER CRASHING ANSWEAR - DENIED". Update on GM…
  • More info: since what info i gathered most people getting DCs are from mid-eastern europe. Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany. Imma try posting the ticket and see what it comes to. EDIT: Got 4 DCs in last 20 mins. After i world chated about this problem - some dude told me he got preciselly 4 DCs in last 20 mins too. Few…
  • OMGLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! did you read my post at all? you tell me to restart PC and networking gear when i clearly stated i reinstalled OS, firmware of router the game itself and many more Didn't you see that this problem was continuing for MORE THAN A MONTH? which means that i restarted PC and router for more than…
  • So as i see i'm gettin no clean answear... Thinking about these previous posts - most popular answear was "some intercontinental router is failing" which is a huge nonsense. Just think about all the other possible crashes: security systems, downloads, not speaking about stock markets and anything that would fail because of…
  • Guild Name: Mayhem Leader: Evangelos Website/ Forums: http://mayhem-pw.omgforum.net/forum.htm Extra Info: Non-RPK. Lv. Requirement: Assassin 75 Psychic 75 Wizard 75 Archer 75 Barbarian 75 Blademaster 80 Cleric 80 Venomancer 80 Herc/Nix Venomancer 85