That is in the middle of it as far as the quest is concerned. Switch leader ever, while you have the quest, and it will fail immediately. It even say so when you take it.
Making all the medals untradeable until the exploit was fixed, would have dealt with the problem just as effectively. Exploiters would have qq'ed, but who cares, they are the ones to blame anyway. And people grinding hard to get rank 9 via DQ wouldn't have gotten the shaft like they have now.
I can confirm this is true for me too. Instant crash after the loading screen in 1.3, runs fine in 1.2 (on same computer, using same PWI installation and two different wine installs)
Teleport prices are fixed by location and the same for everyone. That you found them in order from lowest to highest is just a bit of a fluke. And FYI someone will probably yell at you for "necroing" an old thread, which I don't see as a problem (your question follows quite naturally on the existing one), but in general…
Teleport prices are fixed by location and the same for everyone. That you found them in order from lowest to highest is just a bit of a fluke. And FYI someone will probably yell at you for "necroing" an old thread, which I don't see as a problem (your question follows quite naturally on the existing one), but in general…
The low speed is normal flying speed. The high speed is "hasted", when you have it charged up with chi stones and use the accelerate function (you'll find that in your emotes)
I've been tanking 59 on an archer since about lvl 70. Especially drake, since he only has a DOT at range. Sure an arcane could have done it even easier, and BB'ing there is really stupid, but there's no reason you can't be tanking it either.
Jeeze Janus, maybe you need to pull back on the caffeine? Ever considered anger management? The right/left thing mentioned above is nice, but that's the first I've ever heard it. Every time I've seen rb asked for at the glacix boss in FCC, cleric's been told to put it in the middle right under the boss. And honestly, the…
I wish more clerics would focus on the tank in most situations. If i steal a mob off the tank either I know for sure I can tank it myself, or I'm doing my best to give the darn thing back to the tank. And if I'm running at or in little circles around the tank, unless he's, brainless he's going to be reaming it right back…
Worse, it's spreading far outside the nirvana and high end bh runs. I saw calls for 5aps for 1-1 yesterday on WC, which is just flat out depressing. I can't even get a same-level faction squad together to go through any chapter of TT with my mid 70's barb, they all insist on waiting for "someone high" to help (or ask me to…
There are mailboxes next to every auction house manager and banker in pretty much every town. There's the odd one scattered around other places too, but right next to the banker is the easiest one to find.
I think you want to know if you can buy zen from Russia and at what exchange rate? In which case the answer is, yes, and the exchange rate depends on the method you use to buy it. Go to Billing at the top of your screen.and look there. Basically you are buying US dollars ($1 = 1000 zen = 1 Gold)
The game will already give you a direction arrow towards npcs, autopath you to them, and autopath you to mobs (and if the mobs spawn in several places, you can see those marked on the map and alt-click there to autopath to more of them). You just have to enable the option for the first, and click the green text for the…
I really really really hate 89 Brim. 89 Eden is fun, and easy, I've done it unwined with just a lvl 70 barb and a cleric and me. Plenty of times with pick up squads, and it's usually easy as pie. I really don't understand why the two are so very different, difficulty and aggravation level wise. 89 Brim though, I refuse to…
Autopathing works fine. Just hold click and hold before you press alt. You don't need to install it into windows and copy either, it installs just fine in wine.
Just wanted to confirm, I have the same problem and the same solution. I have up to date drivers, it's a laptop, i can't change the soundcard. Even changing the sound quality settings makes it crash.
We all did poppet. Wait til you meet the plumpfishies (tip: take a cleric with you. Or 5.)
I once wiped out most of the people standing in Sanctuary (the town, not the server) thinking that hitting town would be far enough away to reset the ones following me. I had no idea back then (was probably 30 levels ago) what they were, or that they were elites. A whole lot of people standing around AFK died real fast…
You could just play a barb. Just because you're a girl, doesn't mean your characters have to be.
I think they figured that out, since this is a necro from like, a year ago. Necro necro necro (hi Andracil) b:chuckle
If you go read the Card Boss Guide it'll explain it. Briefly: you get a bunch of cards for each of 8 bosses until you have a set, when you kill it you get it's signature card. If you got a set of those (one for each boss), you can summon another boss with them. The bosses drop mats for making some 90+ gear with.
With my deepest, most abject apologies to Mr Churchill: "... we shall barrage on the beaches, we shall barrage on the landing grounds, we shall barrage in the fields and in the streets, we shall barrage in the hills; we shall never surrender"
This might help explain it. Or not. b:chuckle
That kind of thing happens sometimes, there's jerks everywhere, just like in life. But it's not really the norm. Keep on keeping on, you'll see that mostly higher level people are willing to help you out, if you ask nicely. I often help people kill Farrng and Krixxy if I'm just standing around at the temple anyway. It's a…
Oh, now that's handy. For some reason my brain groks a nice spreadsheet far better than shiny graphical charts. Gimme a nice re-sortable table any old day. Thanks!
Oh you and me both. My husband and I keep our alts in a wee 'alt parking' faction we created, just for that reason, but I kinda like running around factionless on this char. If you want to park in a faction where you're guaranteed to never be spoken to though, I can hook you up b:laugh It's really not always the small low…
Think nothing of it. I made a few really epic misunderstandings of my own back in the day, including that one :)
You can find out how much they cost by pressing "alt o" in the game and looking at the cash shop. The price in ingame coin varies by server, so we can't answer that one without knowing what server you're on. How long they might last depends on your class and your server too, and we don't know that either. An HP charm might…
Do you have your ammo equipped? They need to be equipped too, not just in your pack. That would also cause your bow to be equippable but then turn red.