The other pose of BeingHope is done! I got bored..b:surrender
- XxKimikoXx is done!
Unless you don't want the picture of you pondering well leaning on a table. You don't have to have it. ;3 EDIT: Okay, I'm going to post both..since I failed at the pondering picture..But I'll still show it..Prepare for torture. >=3
Oh yez, Imma draw you in a weird pose..Not look like just your character in Anime in the same pose..Dat seems a bit boring..I did that with Shelle's..>.< Imma make you pondering on a table if joo thinkz that's okayz. Mebbe thenz if joo like ai could drawz joo again inz da pose in da picturez. Tellz me if youz wantz da…
Oh my gawd.. b:shocked Thats..That's one of da cutest bunnies I've eber seen! ^.^
Okz, I'm glad you like my workz. Timez to start on Beinghope! (I already started on her..But it looked horrible and I crumpled it up. b:surrender) To da art center! b:avoid
Okz, b:pleased
Hmmz..Do joo guys stillz wantz your drawingz? Becuz if you doz, I could still drawz dem. b:chuckle Personally, Ai tink they look kinda cute. >.>
Ai warned joo that it would suck. b:chuckle
Shelle, Here be your drawing! The thing under the chin isn't a beard b:surrender My mom thought it was. b:cry It's the shadow of her chin. I know I'm not the best..Don't expect anything good of me..I'm still practicing. xD Ai hope you like it. b:mischievous
Ai thought it was 15$ monthly for WoW..Although Ai'm probablyz rightz cause I played WoW for four yearz. x3, Ai use normal vocabulary for dis! *Coughs* PWI has a better economy. WoW has a really bad one.. The quests are more fun in WoW. The people are better in PWI You don't HAVE to spend money on PWI but you DO on WoW…
Squirrel! b:shocked Ai tink I really see onez..
Banned for being on da same server as meh! b:sad
Can I **** next timez? b:surrender
Ohz, xD. Wow..So many people..This will occupy me! b:shocked
Oh..You didn't exactly post the things that didn't really matter..Lets say your name is No Name. Regret forgetting. xD. Hi No name! Btw, Your drawing is almost done. (I didn't do any color, so it didn't take long. I suck at color anyway.)
Okayz! I'll get to ya soon. ;3. b:thanks
It needz to be poppedz! Who haz a needle? Ai neeeeeed one! b:beatup
Coca-cola is acid! b:shocked