Okies its working agian thanks so much! can kill this thred now
someone please help ><b:cry
@-@ owwww my eyes..
I'm happy about it I always wanted a Ninetail!b:pleased I never cared it was rare I wanted it because it was pretty lol xD
Hah those are some great ideas hehe I like the invisible mount deal I think it would be even funnier on a ancient boa being so high up when you ride xD and Halloween it would be neat if they did a skeleton horse mount wouldn't be to hard scene they have mobs close to it
Honestly I join just PW over a year ago but then I saw international and joined it and uninstalled it for a few months and yeah oh well win some lose this dose upset me a bit but not enough to quit
Yeah I figured as much I'm just about to that price^^ The issue is finding one for sale hehe
hehe I guess no one is sellin one Ill keep a eye out :P
o-o daaang! I want to buy one so bad but no one in my server wants to sell them ;-; Ill keep tryin
hehe that a very cute idea^^ I would buy one b:pleased even if it was slow <.< >.>
Oh good I wasn't the only one who did that to I was gonna get it this mornin and what do you know not there -.- Oh well Im saving my gold for another mount.