Kindyr - Sanctuary Arc User


  • In regards to your question, yes you can over ride the intergrated graphics with by buying a graphics card and placing it in a PCI slot, in my last thread i eluded to going to walmart. They prob are the cheapest and the one they sell will work. Its not that bad expensive, u dont really have to upgrade your ram if you put a…
  • First off your first your CPU 1.8 is kinda low, im sure changing is not an options so adding atleast 2gb of ram. Like someone said ram is dirt cheap now. I recomend or just take youe old to bestbuy.(prob best idea if you dont know alot about computers). Once that is done the next step is to buy atleast a entry…
  • Is there any way to tell which weapons will end up with sockets or not?
  • Not sure about much but you can have multiple skills, im lvl 1 in all but blacksmithing. Im lvl 2 in it. Its tedious and hard to find enough mats for it all but its possible.
  • I know there has to be some next lvl ****'s on the forums since the severs are down, help a noob out!! Im trying to help some friends who are just starting, it would shurely help em out if i could manufacture decent weapons that I could imbue for them. Any help would be appreciated even if ur not sure!