KikouArashi - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • well if they want to balance the aps ingame then take the claws and fist from every class but the BM who has the skills to use it. Since the R8 and R9 gear of the BM's does not have interval to it and we have to just relay on the interval we have. Thats just 1 persons opinion balance = sacrifices so limit the BM wpns to…
  • Bolt works great against bosses, not so effective in PVP. With zerker fist combined with triple spark and bolt iv hit for 70k crit and 62k non crit to bosses. Dont use much in PVP unless im trying to hold a caster in place in TW for the rest of the squad to finish him off.
  • First off im a L100 multi wpns BM. U can all say what u want about which wpns sux and not mainly cuz ur all noobs who dont know how to play a multi wpn BM. Each wpn and each skill has its benefits if u read the abilities hell u may learn something. Fist for speed and with L59 skill Drake's Breath Bash (fire dmg) against MT…