Verify didn't help. :<
You don't have customization on. :p Go to System > System Settings > UI tab at the top, then check "Customization" towards the bottom. I dunno if this is a bug or what's going on, but why does the name the of the shadow ranger horsedude mob (the name has completely escaped me lol.. it's a lvl10 monster in the TB area) is…
It sounds like you are having the same issue as me. I dunno why it happens, but about half of the people in a town are invisible. And it's not because of the "Hide players out of range" button; I've checked. But the weird thing is that not only is the avatar invisible, but I can't see their name either. The only way I know…
I'm having problems continuing a couple of chain quests. They're both the kind of quest where you need to visit a place and a window automatically pops up and tells you that you had completed that step. One of them is called "A Millennium Promise" and the specific step that I'm stuck at is called "Search the Remains" and I…
For the humans, it's really about timing your jump so you get both height and distance. If you jump on the roof in front of the chest (where if you faced the chest, you also face the town), there are a couple of spires that you can stand on. Jump on one of those, and from there it's about timing it just right. You're gonna…
The description of the item will usually tell you if it's junk or not. While sometimes vague (many of the items are described as "Substance found inside some beast's bodies") something like "Required for Dragon Quest..." means it's pretty valuable. When it's used for crafting, it will say something like "Lowest grade…
You could also do Dragon Quests. If you've got money or you get good drops, you could finish up a bunch of DQs, each yielding 15 000 exp.