^ agreed only ONE offer worked for me the rest say *we are proccessing your request please view these optional offers* for 2 hours and it still says the same even if you refresh the page
there was a thread like this a year ago called 1000 ways to get kicked out of walmart but it got closed for flame/necro
chu @ll kno sushi is r@w f1sh wight? o and hiya reds and magic hammy! :3
*impersonates razortank and makes Typhyse kill the whole server and turn him into some sushi* =(
*goes beast mode as level 23 bm and omgwtfbbq1shotz razortank* =)
:S wish granted but the wish dies i wish my bm had elf wings! :D
lies come get some
granted you get the tiger mount! :D but then a gm confiscates it claiming the pack was stolen from somwon else i wish my bm was 50foot tall :D
mm i wants free nix/herc to sell
*points to my first post* granted do more headaches instead toothaches i wish for infinit money wich cant be corrupted in any way shape or form :)
th best 5.0 char has to be assassins*yes im to lazy to look for names*
wot 10 char
use teh nice search before posting the thread that happens everday kthxbaib:surrender
dangit awnser my wish :S everywon gets the health but aliens invade and kill us all >.<
granted massive heart attack comes to him so he cant sleep :D i wish for a billion bucks that cant be corrupted in any way shape or form b:cute
actualy the chi bar comes just when you finish lv9 cultib:cute
:S feed me to 28 please(to those who dont speak noob it means give me level 28 please :()