Thanks b:pleased
This is the first time I've posted fanart so I wasnt sure where to post it. I'll make sure the ones to come will be in the right place. Thanks for comments and the help.b:victory
If you in raging tide server. You can join my guild. I started to help new players out. We are a fun friendly group and we all help ether other out. THe Faction name is Zenith and I'm the leader. PM KeldonWargod. I'm on offten.
What is e-mail or web address that I can send my info to. I'm having the same problem. Thanks for the help in advance.
Have the same problem :'(b:cry
I read through this thread and I'm having the same problem a few of the others are having. I'm a leader of a lvl 3 faction and I go to submit my icon and all the drop down arrows in the faction icon submission page are gray and it say I have to be a leader of a lvl3 faction. I tried loggin out and clearing my cookies and…