Yes that is also a good option. Full vit spam arma with ToP/Mire in mass PK after they have used their apoth/genies or whenever you see mass stun hf :D. Alternatively run around spamming occult ice and celestial sword on genie with a purge weapon on then help keep them knocked down while the DD kill them off. Barbs are…
Barbs are amazing class for TW, 1v1 AND mass PK - at r9r2 anyway. Demon Strength is best PK build yes, however due to new sage tiger form (no more dmg reduction in tiger form + chi gain) then sage is not that much worse!! Sage bestial onslaught also has 100% accuracy which solves your poor accuracy issues. Finally Sage…
Yes yes and more yes to this post. I learnt very early on roar is NOT for bosses. Roar was nice in FC when the cleric was really trigger happy or a DD would run ahead, but on single bosses, when roar is finished channeling and it's casting, sometimes even before the animation is finished agro is already lost again. Devour…
Thanks Flamengo!! Something to read while I'm at work!! Was a fun TW QQme VS Vicious, but I think it will be more fun if QQme attacks. Sadly I haven't been able to TW last few weeks when Vicious has had to defend. I think will be nice if a trustworthy officer from each faction who is capable of counting to report on the…
I really enjoyed the TW. First time VS'ing Vertu! Very organised. In other TW's, I sit there being healed and tanking easily because opposition DD's are busy focusing me instead of my healers and the DD's keeping the healers safe! Where as you guys killed them then me b:cryb:cryb:cryb:cryb:cry
No, it doesn't depend on what Country you're from b:shocked
When did I even mention Vicious, let alone who Vicious was going to attack? b:shockedb:shocked
you're clever*, not your clever. by your logic your IQ must be 0 b:victory
To think IQ is actually a reliable measure of intelligence shows how much you lack it b:laugh
Guess you're Luci's bit on the side, salty brah salty, that is all. Also grow a pair and post from your main b:laugh
Better than some sloppy mystic speaking up for prophecy b:pleasedb:pleasedb:pleased
Amazing video actually, but really hard to read herozero's name before it shatters /o\
Damn GMs hit so little. Their weapons need a recast b:pleased
LOL bhavvy
Your point would be true if endgame was t2/r8 and no defense passives. But now with 10 levels of primal defense, r9r2 and NW upgraded +12 ornaments, you have more than enough (unbuffed) phys and magic resistance. You would nearly reach the plateau (cap) if you get anymore, where as spirit and defense levels work even…
I don't even CS and I know that's :D Gold is shared by all characters on an account. So when you purchase ZEN and transfer it to server etc whatever (this step I don't know), it is still NOT a purchase made ON a character! If anything it would be a transfer to an ACCOUNT. So again I ask you very smart person as…
False. There was an extra promotion on top of those 2, which wasn't announced. This is my point, all of you trying to answer me don't even know about it. b:shocked
Oh please also clarify if they mean midnight or 12:00 PM because thats 12 hours difference b:pleased ty smart person
Then like the rest you are missing out. 28Jan - spend promo "get diamond ring by spending 40 gold", which is what was stated and 99% of people thought that so they didn't spend. However if you did spend gold then went to '' you had points you could use for further rewards. This is exactly…
Mhm, I actually enjoy the instance though...I find it really fun. The mats can be traded while they are greyish (anything that drops from monsters), so I usually get/buy those in squad if everyone is happy. Once you "open" them, or the mats you get from completing the daily quest (usually 105 basic stone things), at the…
You seem to have no problem making videos. Find a DD on par with your gear (including OP cards) and get it on video. Solve the mystery once and for all b:cute
I 100% agree with you that it's 1 or the other. Stick to human or tiger form don't switch in between. However my point about this whole topic was, even a full deity full str r9r2 +12 barb with drakestones and good cards can't hold agro over SAME GEAR DD class. You MIGHT get agro every now and then with flesh ream if you're…
My point was based on DD not agro skills. The advantage demon barbs have over sage barbs in terms of DD-ing (specially in this case over bosses so not talking about armageddon having 10% extra dmg) is the extra crit rate no? And that comes from human form skills :O?
KeepMeAlive RB2 105-105-105 Sage Wep: r9r2 +12 with 2x G12 Ambers. r8r1 +4 with 2x G9 Cits and +28DEF lv. r8r1 +4 with 2x G12 Water and Earth damage shards with purge + range. Armour: r9r2 +12 chest + sleeves, +11 legs + pants. +10 Forest Wisdom helm (don't have enough merit for base helm). +10 Cloudcharger cape (will be…
Well on Raging Tides (from what I have seen anyways), seekers are to casters (Wiz and Psy) in the new dungeons, what demon HF BM's are to APS Sins in TT (and nirvana). It is always SS timed to caster's triple spark and even the BM tries to HF to their sparks. I am still few billion coins away from endgame, but I think on…
That's because if you want to take advantage of a demon barb over sage barb in terms of DD, you will need to be in "human" form and there are no agro skills in human (besides penetrate armor). Yes you might hold agro over other DD, as even do I with my SAGE str build DD-ing in human form, but my gears are slightly above…
I don't think pwi game mechanics even makes it "physically" possible for barbs to hold agro over equally geared DD's anymore. If an equally geared DD with today's average gear goes all out the barb will only get agro for a second or 2 after good timed flesh reams to then lose it straight away. But at the same time you got…
Then 4-5 b:shocked?
It only took 5-6 years for FC hypers to get fixed, so that sounds promising b:pleased
Raging tides actually had multiple barbs who favoured Vit over anything that actually made them tank more. Perhaps the ideas and builds from other mmo's guided their decision. I have played some MMO's were you can be pure and still have decent armor to wear. Like there was a few r9r2 barbs with g15 (or some grade) morai…