run-on sentence is run-on. please vacate the premises
assassin + stealth + mp charm = win hope its not as IMBA as it seems
I remember when the GMs were fun and interactive in WC with the players; always made me smile and laugh
they're back. again. srsly?
delicious strategy is delicious
+1 to exp event around lvl80, the quests began to suck up more time and be less rewarding with their 0/70+ kills or quest items. so, I leveled on Crazystone, WorldQuest and BountyHunter for the last...while, along with a Rebirth and FB here and there. HOWEVER! this double exp weekend event makes these quests very much…
Walfreen = fail
someone's jelous b:chuckle silly weak barb is silly
first number is the number of stones second number is the level of the stone so you'd need TWO level FIVE stones to make the basic glows and FOUR level EIGHT stones for the better
zen will go on sale next weekend/update nothing like beating a dead horse
I'm most interested in the potential TW map changes with the new gear and leaving of *some* higher ups that and I want to see the economy fall/fail/fix
+1 to GMs but question for them: at the end of maintenance, do ya'll log on and run around doing godly things with your modly powers before the patch and servers go live? if not, you should look into it b:victory
while I feel this is a valid topic of discussion, the fact that you used 8's for B's makes me want to SgtSIaughter things
ary you made me smile just now thanks for fixing b:kiss
*edit on second thought, why would I post my stats public
I love you err...super smash
no, that eliminates the point of gold being a buy-only item. idea fail
my dilema is I would really enjoy testing my luck with aniv packs, as the rewards are tempting. BUT, I really dont feeling like spending more money on this game. not to mention LOLGOLDPRICES, sicne you're all aware of them. and to think I had a handle on the economy two days ago q.q
get a job 10char
not knowing mait started an hour early and is NOW OVER is for nubs gg
waiting's for nubs
dont think so either, doing that tells me I joined April '09 xmas events from '08 and whatnot...eeeyeah
seems abit obvious, dontchya think? ;3
add points to attributes til you don't suck ^first guide you're welcome
yeah I dont think that is accurate. when I did the post method figured by sticky, it said I joined March of '09...which can't be sicne I was around for the '08 xmas event
I legit lol'd. well played. *applauds*
damnit. I love my hell hound, but this new one is so freakin' cool. pretty much diminishes the value of the now old lmt. edition HH. and damnit is isnt tradeable ;_;. (forum acc says April 09? lolwut, I was around for the last xmas event >_>) *cuts wrists* anywho, how's the gift box thing gonna work? *braces self for next…
if anyone sees this mess, I'm currently trying to post my story...having problems... edit: alright, turns out the forum doesnt like MSWord listing bullets, so i had to replace them with dashes. no biggy. however, if there is a piece missing (you type a code, hit find, and its not there), please tell me. it was giving me a…
*WARNING/NOTE/CAUTION: DO NOT READ THIS IN ORDER. At the end of each paragraph, you will be given a bolded code. Copy (ctrl+c) and Paste (crtl+p) it into the “find” window (ctrl+f) of your web browser to be taken to the next part of the story you’ve chosen.* Choose Your Fate: The Quest for Land, Gold, and Glory In a…