Katsurro - Lost City Arc User


  • form lost city i would say eiharne are torvold from instinct and LookMyFace from chinatown and felis and as last strong myst of the server i would say shinningrock he use HH99 wep and he still owns those are best myst of the server i now b:laugh
  • seekers are very strong on high lvl if u max ure skills i am 91 now and i can kill a lvl 100 sin in 1 hits if i freeze him and do gemini slash and ion strike and batosai to finish it and lvl 100 babrs are hard but when seekers reach 100 they and sins will be on top i am sure of that b:victory
  • i will so go sage that would own in tw for sure ^^ glad i am 5 lvls away for 89 :)