Absolutely customized mine.. and worked over 3 days perfecting her. Before creation, after, and ended up also using the scroll from the quest to get the last bits I thought of
LOL Whatcha expect at after 3am?
*blinks* That's... almost kinda disturbing. LOL but smacks of light insanity.. love it. b:chuckle
[random_moment] Servers are never back up late, nor are they ever early. They come back precisely when they mean to. [/random-moment]
b:cute heya Hisui b:kiss
Here we go.. I'll fix it so it'll be allowed.. Now lets see... "QQ"... there's that part thread<-- b:angry "acting like an ****"... hmm.. ok.. how's this? ( Y ) Is his post allowed now? b:chuckle
lol was after I posted I saw it was indeed closed now. Ah well :P
and since the post only allowed 4 at a time.. adding back in these two :P Some... unexpected wings ;)
Yikes, hope I'm not too late... flame on one side, fire pit on the other :P I have one more, that is happened very unexpectedly, but is not exactly "G" rated, so leaving it out :P
Hehe I see you're a tad off on your info on TE. But you were quick to get the info it seems, so I have no worries of you finding out the whole thing soon. (Which will also clearly show the reasons they didn't bid this week.) Hehe always been good at info gathering.. you taming those spy pets? b:chuckle So hard to tell…
Raptor 1 "What happened here?" Raptor 2 "AFK doing WQ and catching up on the latest caption entries. Suposedly it's nearing 300 pages worth! No worry, they'll be back soon though." Raptor 1 "Oh wow! So what about that Enrage guy?" Raptor 2 "Well, I hear he wanted to check them out too, he didn't know about them. .... He…
Bringing a whole new meaning to the accronym... "T.W."
"There's the anouncement, everyone into TW now. Quickly, Enrage is already in!" System Anouncement: Just for the record, TW stands for "Territory Wars", not "The Wall"
"Are you -sure- this is the way to Hogwarts?" "Hey, it worked in the movie..."
TE had a bit of a drama upset when Blaze cracked, so to speak and left the guild, handing it to her director, DeadlySin. There were many issues that had the officers uncomfortable with his lead. However, he was quite set on keeping hold of the position, so the officers did what we could and made the best of it. As feared,…
GAH!!!!b:nosebleed oh yes please please please!!b:beg
xp=/= experiance. Just because someone buys off their levels, doesn't automaticaly mean they know how to play at that lvl too. I don't know about you.. but I'd rather have around a lvl 40 who knows how to play their lvl 40 character... than a lvl 80 who's a total noob and doesn't know his character past what he knew at lvl…
Yup.. embrace is messed up too
ROFL! Check out embrace (intimate).. it's messed up there too. Talk about getting b:beatenup Edit: It apears that in the embrace (kiss, intimate, w/e) the male's animation speed is right.. but the female's is doubled (twice as fast).
lol Surtr beat me to it on that reply On another note.. in Xar's first post.. he mentioned genies having equipment slots. If an entity (pet/genie/fairy/call what you will) does not atack, takes no damage, and doesn't tank.. why would it need equipment?
update... lvl 88 and rep of 6484 now
6436 rep at lvl 87
Well this is odd.. on the top here, it shows my correct lvl as 81.. but when I post, the avi pic says lvl 79. Any idea what's up?
Post title... "Nerf The Veno" Poll title.. "Sould PWI Nerf the Veno" *pokes avatar* wake up you and update.. I haven't been 79 for some 2 weeks now!
Yeah, however if they stick with their typical pricing of 1g, then those pets will cost 1000 zen, not 100. :(
hmm.. cash shop item which gives 10 to 50 of either feathers or sources.. 9999 of these feathers or sources needed to make pet. Average cash shop price for things needing multiple items... 1g. Anyone else doing the math here and getting worried? $1k for a virtual pet? Yeah, I'm speculating, and might be worrying for…
Perhaps I can get in next month :P Katryn has been a long term project. I got the basic idea for her back on PW MY. When I came to PWI, I spent much of the three days allowed perfecting her face and form best I could while still in CB. So once OB came out, I spent only about 30 min in final checks. (Yeah, I tend to be a…
Clerics on wood mobs
this is very nice of you :) Signing up now
Been looking fine on my side. Could be your client.