+1 to than notion! at lest keep users aware of the time they have to wait... oh wait nvm its PWE
wow.... pwi really suprise me everytime with their logic of giving free gifts..b:sweat I was hoping at least for a gift that one could not get by dq rewards... idk like maybe real pack? at least those give 150k or so if ure unlucky, and that still works, but giving us a thing that mostly gives us fantasy fuits... geez...…
well then i suppose we can start recieving our expansion's gift right? :P btw i just used dq rewards and jones blessing pages and they work perfect, way to go xD
Dang PWE still not fix the page issues? =/ I need the DQ rewards ASAP b:worried Maybe its like SkogDyr said and we have to wait till they do care.... Well, i'll keep on waiting i guess b:sweat
They said the web fix would take a day at last ( 14th of this month) and till today (19th) we're still waiting for it.... Even for the so called "gift given at the expansion launch for users who asked for it in the webpage" Well... guess it sucks not to be the main Perfect world, cuz we complain here and there isnt a fix…
I cant log in either But i do can in other region's servers
Faction: My fac disbanded from one day to another without previous notice, it went poof ( Team Llama) and then like 4 months foward they reapeared... cant seem to forget that Squad: The worst i remember was my first time healing and getting to know the Wraithgate. I healed good at pyro and nob, it was perfectly fine till…
i agreee :D that would be awesome! and will have logic :P better to see a wolfface turn into a wolf than into a tiger (wth? xD)
I think its way more interesting making a character without spending a single dollar cuz you get to enjoy more the whole game ( such as i did with my main , a lv 97 soon to be 98 cleric atm), then again, thats my opinion :P I believe that the good thing of powerleveling is the utility it have for some players to lvl fast…
Strange, no one sugested Harshlads yet ;D ( wich im glad for lol less lag for me :D xD)
I agree with this, atleast change its colour for online players <.< and yeah, Lately only few posts are read by a Gm or at least replied by one...
I agree with the "making the game better" part , like fixing some REALLY COMMON bugs like well idk ..the same footstep sound in every kind of ground? (wich is kinda weird, cuz in a game like PWI wich has Cool Graphis and tons of cool stuff there isnt a diferent Sound for each type of ground [after a while the footstep…
Wow now that would be nice :O It would put magic DDs on another level lol (speed wise :P), specially Psychic who already have some crazy casting speed lol, would be usefull for clerics also, to heal faster and DD faster too, nice idea Roland b:victory
okay, thanks :P
Im Still waiting for my set of fash in my main ( the only one that should get it in my acc)... I read some pots about writing a ticket, does somebody know where to do that? ( cant find the option myself, sorry for the stupid question)