As a former medieval reenactor, ex-SCA and such, I have a minor quibble with the odd weapon styles, like General Summer's Atomic Chainsaw, or the Wayne Industries Bat-Glaive... which if you're wondering, I carry the Radioactive Tahitian Rug Beater, Midnight Black... I can ignore the look of something if I must when I can…
Jeremy, no insult, but how old are you? A single run-on sentence, no punctuation, bad spelling, what are you, five? GMs will get it all sorted. In the meantime, just use the hypers.
I'vr reinstalled, run the directx fix, all for nothing. The game ran fine until I updated. I get a message, "Game start fail". That's it.
If it is, I'm not aware of it. The game's not being ****, all that's been done is to add reference pix to the character creation gallery. There were six already, all generic-Asian or cg. If adding a pic of John Simm's wife for visual reference gets me banned after two years and two grand spent on this game...
I've been trying something that has kinda worked, mostly from careful tweaking of the facial features, and as of now my blade, Orbison, looks quite a bit like Roy when he was young. If you go into Program Files\Perfect World Entertainment\Perfect World International\element\userdata\userpic, you can add bitmaps of people.…
Madi, you have a home in Krusaders if you'd like. No guarantees of an officer's post, but no requirements except to come and join a caring family. We ask nothing except for you to feel comfortable.
Litt, I hope you're being facetious. I'm talking well-designed clothes, not barbs in bikinis. If you wanna get your perv on, fine, knock yourself out. Personally, if the character's male, I'd prefer to seem them dressed accordingly. But look at what's available, both of males and females, and tell me there's not a lot of…
The point of all this grommishing is that, well, some of the fashion is just awful! The cowgirl outfit is horrible, and the sundrop... please, don't get me going about it. I'm fond of clean, sleek lines, no extraneous frills, clothes that flatter the form instead of exaggerating things. Yes, I know the anime/manga style is…
Since FieryVixen left to found Domino, we've had to build a new faction website, which is still under construction but is already better than what we had. Click on the link to go visit... There's a blog going, and a few pix of members. If you wanna join us, whisper me or Voshna in game on…
We've got the new site up, even though it still needs work. Faction: Krusaders Leader: Katerena Director: FieryVixen
Arryana, Here's the info you need to list us, although it might change in a few days; we're planning to start a better forum site. The faction is Krusaders. My name's Katerena, I'm leader. My director is FieryVixen. Our forum is, but the site needs work and the girl who built it has scarpered. We…