- whole joke got cut here... qiubpqieuvbpqe
A Barb is sitting in a bar staring at his drink. After staring at it for half an hour without taking a sip, one Veno decides to have some fun with him. She picks up the barb
If you find that one too gross here's a second try: A Barb, a Veno, and a huggy hare walk into a bar and the bartender tells them "were closed" then the Veno says "but ur sign outside says you're open 24 hours a day!!!" then the bartender says "yeah but not in a row"
The barb walks into the bar with the huggy hare on top of his head... then the bartender asks the Veno: "what the heck is that?" and the veno says idk it started out as a wart on my huggys butt but it grew.