Yeah, crit rate.
It's upto you, Lingzi! b:nosebleed
This lvl. 2 mermaid has a point.
Just goes to show you can learn something new, everyday. Great insight there.
*Shadow Jumps to nearest squishy lurking on this thread* Hey. Unlike many other Assassins who have meanings associated with their names, this one.. might not. Jyre, just like any other sea-loving ... merman was a charismatic waiter at the Bottom O' The Ocean. *bad dum pshh* b:surrender Well, I haven't thought of a story…
Just like above poster said, either that person, for some apparent reason needed more earth resistance or... that was as nonsensical a socket(ing) as some of the gear pieces you see on AH, random players. Anyway, if you find a good enough armor, 3 star, legendary, green, go ahead and socket it up with citrines --- at…
Really now... What was wrong with the Tournament NPC? As stated by a previous poster, it was a pretty fun event and without any prior knowledge of the player base who have enjoyed it.. it's removed. I just don't get it.
Always stay in their melee range and keep 'em stunned/silenced, spark as soon as you can and unleash the fury of sharp kitchen utensils on them. Trust me, archers are manageable when they are in your level range. I'd know -- I beat one with the blacksmith (lvl 65) daggers.
The wonders of Youtube! I take no credit for this video so enjoy.
/end thread. Got what I need.
This is a well, thought-out response and advice.
Glowfall Wings are terribly hard to come by in Harshlands, pretty rare. b:shocked
What was wrong with the previous layout? I doubt anyone was complaining ... though that has already changed swiftly.
Good skills, Subsea Strike removes the need for Extreme Poison. Wind Shield's handy for all melee classes, really up to your play style in the end!
... Anticipate and also keep my finger on Shadow Escape hotkey.b:avoid Oh yeah, and to the above poster.. Gennousuke. Gennousuke from Basilisk?
Edit: Found the answer.
Let me see if I could understand this. Who makes melee classes with light armor? Plenty of MMOs and guess which melee class uses light armor but still kicks ****? ..You guessed it! Assassins/Rogues. Bloodpaint's a lifesaver at times, you just don't realize it until you get to higher levels but you do notice that it is a…
Power Dash is maxed? Nice AoE kills on the vid. b:sin
Come over to Harshlands, where the lands are harsh and the people are .. well, harsher. b:sin
Now only if I had protection against silver bullets: Coming at 'ya:
How.. painful. b:avoid
I was also told to grind by the allies camp but I'll try that place, thanks.
Edit: FIXED. From this link:
Very nice guide. Helped me all the way through! b:dirty