Junalight - Harshlands Arc User


  • hey what can i say. im lazy lol. but that doesn't phase me. as long as they make a vampire based class i won't complain, well if u have any question just post them on this thread and i will get back asap. so if u wait it's not my problem oh~btw i edit: don't like to spam.
  • the background story should be left to the creators of this game. but if i were going to place them someplace on the map i suppose somewhere east of nameless isle. like another set of islands like the tideborn, and another south of that but apart of the mainland. i should there is another mainland across that ocean. *and…
  • sorry had to get off. anywho, Fallen: Incubus, has the ability to suck the life out of their opponent as some mobs do on bh39 and like veno pets. :/ they rely heavily on self healing buffs and can sleep seal stun and silence. they r a magic class. their element is fire and can nuke opponents but somewhat less than wizzies.…