Zerodefects, Thank you so much for snuffing me,but unfortunately the game does not include IMMEDIATE quests,exactly when you start. Sedoshi- New players like posting! If a new player need help,they can do that. If new player want to post thier ideas,and if it is good and open for development,the game company will accept…
I have done a search and there is no fireborn suggestion.Still i think this thread is important for people to read.
Go see 'new race- plant people". The race is called Arborian,which can transform into trees!
My post was deleted,so im re-posting.(Is that a word?) GREAT IDEA!!! I love trees and to see myslf transform into one would be awesome!!! People, this is what we need:a fire class, a tree class,ice and water...we NEED new classes of the elements.These classes can do cool stuff like turning into something, like the…
Do you think this is a good idea? Does anyone care???
hey,git back on topic!
I meant to post it here!!!!!I'm new to this stuff so don't critisize me!I know it got posted there and im sorry that i did!! People,please use this one! I never get to see a cloudy loading screen with creatures flying around,or any woods or anykind of sort besides mushrooms and ill-dressed women!!!!
NEW RACES BELONG TO CHINA???? ARE YOU CRAZYYYYY??????THEY ARE POSSIBLE YOU IDIOT!!!!!China has translators and stuff ,did ya know that?????
There are many ideas for new races and classes. Just a few are Icemans,Undead(what a ripoff!),Arborians(tree people) and Fireborn.
Ive noticed any long hair goes right through a player's body.Is this what you are talking about? It needs to be fixed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GREAT IDEA!!!!! now if the game makers only listened...
^nice idea. Another idea:male venomancers ? For those of you who support venos over mystics,do you think its worth a try? and i know,this game will be dead.