And you said "Yulk" sucks, yet he can easily tank there with no charm, no genie, as a 5x barb b:bye I find this so ironic. I thought you said you're a better player than him Didn't he show a screen shot of it too? Learn how to play. The people should pay attention to their buffs and distance. I soloed there with no herc at…
P.S last post, I am getting busy. So I won't have time for the forums, no more posts for me... So some time in game, rest is with life. GL to you all <3
w4ll 0f t3xt T3h n3w GMs b4nn3dd t3h r1ght p30pl3z, st0p c0mpl4in1ng. b:bye
Teh devs did not ruin teh game, the QQerz did for themswelves and meh laugh at them rageqwitting b:chuckle Chu know itz funneh too :3. Lunch time almost gone bai bai
I haz puppeh and kitteh and piggeh and i wuv them. Wat veno needz iz bramble h00d, veno is teh strongest class in teh game b:dirty
iz eating lunch from wat mah mama gave meh. I haz tat boook longz timez :3
QQ moar. "I am tiyad of Yulk making fun of meh! D:"
wat intelligenze chu mean? QQsmartz? Lolz I don't have that kind of smartz. He sounds like he wantz evwything handed to he, like you. "This game is not fwee QQQQQQQ. I wantz free shads and wefines so I can own people QQQQQQQ. But I sux wit no coin D:" Sounds like wat he sayz :3. He's a fail, and I laugh I can own people…
LOL WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?? YOU JOKING? LOLZ!! HAHEHAHAHE$AH KAKAKAKAKAKAK EKEKEKEKE A friend taught me this word. Its dedicated to chu Baka.... b:laugh You failz at game. Of course teh game takez moneh, I guess chu lost all chu coinz now butt hurt about it. You made me laugh... Now I really have to sleep.. past mah bed time…
lolz, takenz meh seriouz? Lolz you phail harda than phail. Itz n0t mah main charcharz dumbo dumb bum :3 nini n_n
meh go sleep... Iz tiyad
me sleepyz... mod is president of pw? coolz, and if I hiz first ladeh. I can get free candeh? :3
noez, not perma bannz but it won't be like he'd be posting anywayz, butz I got him to make vidz to post on Youtubeh. Your very butt hurt lvl100 lolz
He's banned on teh forams but not gamez, but he don care. I want to see he make chu guys rage D: But he told meh not to botha postinz herez cause people ambarras thamselvs. Better to come here to laughz o.O
LOLz stupid ppl <3333333333333 no wonder why you guys bash on my BFF you call yulko b:chuckle This is teh game, not real life. Even in real life it is still not nice to do all this. I laugh at you, I can see why Yulk goes on here for the lolz
butt hurt humans :3
and chu squishy fesh. inb4lock and ban.... Maybe I can get you guys banned for holding grudges over one person that barely even go on teh foramz no more.
1z 0n t3h sk00l buzz w1th m4h ph0n3 0n :3. P00r b0y, 1 w1ll hugz chu 4nyw4yz <3 0r y0u w1ll b3 b1t. pusss1? Y3s 1 4m a puss1 c4t, w4nt m3 t0 m4k3 4 ch4r4ct4 0n dw and 0wn chu?
I have to eat breakfast, must go to school b:bye
woop! :3
I w4nt t0 g1v3 3v3ry b0d3h t3h hugz too :( 1z th4t b4d?
Chu br41n w4s alw4ys d4m4g3d QQ. L3t m3 h34l chu w1th hugz ^_^