Jinosi - Lost City Arc User


  • I got no places else then my homes to play and i'm using my mothers net without any restrictions or acces denyiness on it Darthpanda and i'm sure it should connect directly to your server and connection places and i know clearly that i have no things that block anything here at my Mom's Home and she don't have a Key on her…
  • Its the almost same it happens to me but the thing at the Web page cannot been shown is being shown at my XP-Laptop and the game just keep saying Server connection fails but not Web page and i use Cable and i should have this game working excellent since i play DOMO, Shaiya, Last Chaos so these do work and the other games…
  • I have connected to the Direct possible downloade located in the upper left corner instead of Bitorrent and the part downloads and not using any of those Mirror possibilitys and i live in Norway a part of Europa as you know and i do use Cable and it should work too that right? And i don't know what ISP is cuz i have never…
  • I have nothing wrong things except for it is saying Server update connection fails everyday, everytime, everytrial, everycraptime i try to Connect to one of HT or LC but it is still denying me. What to do? I have even tried all the things i have found on the Forum to do something they have tried and worked for them…