ah... thx for the heads up about sakra auto-binding... prolly go with yaksa then. I spend most of my time either rpk or afk... and i'm not even very vigilant about doing the dailies, and like some other people mentioned, i dont mind taking it slow. I like the LA, none of the magic classes ever give me any trouble cept the…
i dont know that anyone is going to be interested in the Lowest mats like coal dust but to answer your question you should start selling things as early as you can... the earlier the better. Try to buy some of the LOW mats (not LOWEST) from a store and then buy more of them in your catshop. this will allow you to buy/sell…
i told you dmnd kids to stay off my lawn!
i love this thread... thank you for all the posts.
Sorry i didnt explain myself well. I was only suggesting that each monster only receive 1 of the spells for each test.... so for example in your tests you were doing: Monster 1 Glacial Snare=7982 Divine Pyrogram=6603 Sandstorm=7591 Stone Rain=5470 Gush=4392 Pyrogram=n/a I was recommending that monster 1 you do all Gush,…
this is very nicely done. i agree theres more to consider but i think u got the basics down. i have some thoughts and forgive the typing im doing this from my phone... i think when u test damage just go ahead and do the same spell 10 times (or whatever) instead of doing a different one... i.e. gush-gush-gush instead of…
more hp once u already 60 can be tricky. citrine shards for your armor can add a few hp. lvl 7 shards give 40 hp apiece but they cost 350 to 400k.. lvl 6 a lot cheaper and give 32 hp. also bust out some of thosee mirage stones your not using and refine... for your level assuming u have 50 to 60 gear a +1 on armor gives…
im not going to troll this thread... im not going to troll this thread...
regarding the cooldown for pyro - gush - pyro you can get it to work if you leave a space after the gush... same thing if u want a morning dew macro to charge chi.. dew-blank-dew-blank etc... try putting a blank space (or two if needed) between the es and next spell
i just got to 60 and it wasnt hard. prior to getting ults pvp against anyone but barb or bm can be challenging (even when u sneak up on them). and pve like everyone said archer mobs take a little extra care... and be careful of argo on multiple mobs. if u are not powerlevelling i recommend leveling glacial embrace. with it…
I think the guide is ready for bumps, comments and such. Pls comment if you found the guide useful. I'd like to replace this one:
or make your user account an administrator. or give your user accout full control rights on the programfiles/perfect world directory