My little Jerommeke lol more muscle one then brains in the comic to bad we can not shorten the legs a bit and give more muscles but here he is
I tried to make him to this is what I got in like an hour of sliding and saving lol think it got bit more feminene accent but not sure if is enough let me know what you think
thanks very much I like yours to from as far as I can see the face it is bit small and the angle of picture is looking up but in signature it looks cute and different to I think it has also a bit the look of a comic only thing is the hair is not my favorite but hey we are al different people so we al like different things…
wel here is the result of my blademaster here a few of the little pictures I found to model him after think he stil can have more chest but the slide is already maxed and shorter leggs lol but further think he does not look so bad for a comic figure
wel here is the result of my blademaster here a few of the little pictures I found to model him after think he stil can have more chest but the slide is already maxed and shorter leggs lol but further think he does not look so bad for a comic figure
al very nice idea but do not think you can do such thing in a few hours this character I have worked on for day's maybe even longer and have alot of saved files in the create list small changes but stil of not like I could go to a look that I had before and start from that point again till I finally thought it looked good…