Jasms - Lost City Arc User


  • Why at my eyes the game start look like :casters= arcane and sage,melee=light or mostly heavy ,aps and demon???(I am strictly pve person...) I mean (without any offense or misunderstanding ),look at Pwi world cities and balance races: Ether blade :Demon blade masters and sage(how should be..) wizards Lost :Demon barbarians…
  • Same apply to them.If consider that sins need like 20-25 min max,skipping almost all cave and having 50-100k repairs including pots,isn't a bit too much the 1.5m? 1m for their run its very reasonable price.I sell at 750k so if anyone want resell as spots,could have profit too.(Spots at big room are 200-300k so there is a…
  • b:chuckle **** Question:If a veno can solo frost and sell big rooms it still worth pain with TT runs? I mean at my server the big rooms price is 1.5m solo from sins (i sell at 750k and all are mad to me b:laugh ) and the time for solo frost run is less than 40 min,is still worth doing "with passion" TT runs?Are at other…
  • Soloing with nix is depend on veno s atk.At videos i not show the rest of frost run but obviously i use herc because have the aggro mood on.Still after my reset ( i put all points at mag instead vit so my hp now is 6.9k and not 10.2k as i use to had ),i send herc for pull 3-4 groups and i just aoe with nova.The difference…
  • I think they not provide us the second npc anymore for not able re-roll stats or mood with easy.It suppose to able change stats once per day and its more balanced game i think.Now for been serious at the pve servers problem,Gm s can make a genie skill for veno class only that ignore the pve settings of server and able to…
  • You all forgot the most easy way to do that quest while been in a pve server.Do the quest 15 min before you sleep for night, so the 10 hours in pk mode will represent a nap to you ! b:chuckle
  • KrzysS and WannaBM i have tanked any instance at 3-x TT with Herc but i need dders for sure.Tanking and soloing are two different things . Only boss i didn't try yet is obviously Illusion Lord: Armageddon ,the rest are OK . Steelation is a pain if not purge it when start ...his things :) . And as Satyrion said ,nix can…
  • Excellent nix stats and run too.I wish to had same on nix but... b:surrender
  • Answer 1 :You can tame only pets equal or lower to your level . Answer 2 :Yes there are monsters than cannot be tamed . Answer 3:Yes ,a few of them can . The monsters that can be tamed have a "pet" small head at left down corner of the monster info when you target it. There are 3 colors.Green (that means you can easy tame…
  • I hardly do heads because i sell big rooms but when i do,i use Herc aoe attack or genie with life drain+high mag for regenerate faster.Life drain is aoe and good for heads or cube room 4 ,for old-style pet leveling.
  • b:chuckle http://tinypic.com/r/2d2hgmh/5
  • My herc good stats came too easy in the 10 re rolls maybe after evolved,but that chicken-bird.......ugh....it just not want.......b:surrender
  • I did got an +30 blessing (..finally) from a "fake" Facebook account (not that i have a "real" one ). Indeed the damage is obvious bigger on bosses.1st boss summon only 2 traps , the bishop boss summon only one mob now (b:chuckle bye bye debuffs )and the slash boss slash only once.... I wish now to get someday a successful…
  • Yes i am from Greece and i live here b:pleased
  • DeffyNature,i am not the uploader of video but i will pm him asap for put the song links there too.You can search them too as titles .The first is : Vegas - Prospatho ,and the second is : Despina Vandi - Gi Kai I Selini [Official Video/VMA] . b:cute
  • As i already mention to other threat,i prepared a new video with same bosses but this time i avoid the mistake to let the boss info under the watermark ( b:surrender ) and i did use genie with tangling mire + extreme poison .The time to kill the bosses is obvious a lot lower as total time .As single target is 15-35 secs…
  • b:chuckle You ll gonna love herc more than ever now for sure.
  • My only pets i have is Hercules (herc) and Phoenix (nix). I use herc for mobs (although i can pull groups ) because i have 4 aggro skills (bramble,the confident mood with 2 aggro native skills plus the melee atk skill ) so i can reach at bosses flawless.But i have done frost only with nix too .Herc help me to have the min…
  • X_Lilie_x ... 1) Any gears you like basically,it depends your game play and what ask from your veno toon to do daily.I wear Morai 101 and i am OK with my dailies. 2)For any pvp act (TW,NW,rpk etc.),you need at least Nirvana gears and if can effort r9+ . But then,the 4 and 5 part of your question has no place in here.…
  • For having more accurate results at that question,just try the Test damage-mob ,the one witch you pay 20k for activate it.b:cute
  • Aviax,from lv1 to lv40 around,go to scorpion valley,there is a small group of scorpions that can be aoe'd with noxious nova.Your pet will be 4x in like 30 min or less.At that point if its air you can go out of Raging Tides and kill worms lv(?) for again full exp .Alternate solution if not like Cube,is near Starry Wilds out…
  • That..... ....is my chat chat chat time b:pleased
  • b:laugh i adore these small details in videos... Edit:At 2nd boss,you did change any piece of gears?You have less hp,although you have same buffs.
  • Desdi,nice run ,alot repairs and you got mail !!!b:chuckle
  • Untamed_pain,i think its a glitch when have on defense the pet.I was in map 3 a lot times for lv up my herc and i was pulling with pet.But a few times i noticed that when the group died,my herc was run on the nearby mobs w/o i send it or w/o the mobs hit herc and reset away back.This is a glitch i think....(grabbing…
  • I not think(hope too..) is her stats.I did that run with 5k hp usage(charm didn't tick so i not count the 9k+ but the half of that) ,2k~ p.def,8.5k mag.res, +6 Nv3 pataka with the +40atk and my max mag.atk at that run was 10.6k.My morai 101lv gears provide me 33 warding lvs and 5 slaying lvs too.That means i am pretty…
  • Marengo, "...with ~8k hp unbuffed you can tank boss on veno, not on pet.." : You will end w/o buffs at that boss at most of the time so i assume you need a lot use of pots and charm if tank it on veno,witch increase the cost of the run (for some venos that matter too,at frost runs my cost at repairs is 7-10k coins max).At…
  • Marengo, Nova can be interrupted,spark nope.Nova need channeling,spark is instant.Trying use Nova there,risking to succeed silent mob and get silent from boss same time.That means you throw away the only chance that keeps you awake and you ll be in deep,full-length sleep same time with mob.That means bye bye pet and a veno…
  • CaitlinDan,i have Sly mood on nix and Confident on herc.My current hp unbuffed is 9728,my herc hp is 9558 and my nix hp is 6175.At bishop boss not walk away from mob.If walk away,the mob will start the thunder-aoe attack and will interrupt you a lot.Let boss sleep you and the mobs with melee will awake you back( try have…
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX you are right b:surrender Desdi,well you are right too,i have bless on herc.With a few calculations i did,my herc can reach 14k+ hp,if i max out my gears refine and shards.That means i ll have 18k+ hp unbuffed b:pleased