lmao I'm good at math, never took french decided it won't be worth much in my lifeb:surrender i make decent grade's a few A's and B's sometimes F's never got a D though but i get C's a lot
lmao I'm rolling with a desk top made by Hp It has happened a few times and pisses me off a lot I got the same mount as youb:victory
well it's kinda hard to find squads for BH51 most of the time i go with faction member's instead of random ppl because they usually go thank's bye and leave's squad, this has happened to me and I was like wtf I wasted a tele on that b:angry Cs is something I do once like a week I just go around collecting mat's for faction…
no problem, I'm busy with my part time job at walmart which is yes working in hell,and school ain't really in any clubs I was in baseball last year but drifted to the i don't really care club. Ever need anything in the game pm me im on most of the time unless I'm busy or at my job good thing it's part time. Besides that ya…
I'm at 79% with 2 BH and CS that i still half to do and a **** load of quest's down at tuskb:surrender
lmao quick with reply's there don't you thinkb:question imma be your new online buddy
cloud sprint FTWb:victory
if you pay 67$ you will have 1005 socket stones. Is it worth it, depends if you want to look cool in this game I guess,but looking cool in a game kinda makes you a... well let's not say I'm not a **** or trying to be one or look like oneb:victory
no new server's I love the one I'm on nowb:victory also if there was going to be a new server coming out it should be pvp because there is all ready 3 carebear server's
okay, so did you really roll around on the floor laughing?
last time I checked my main is 2 lvl's higher then youb:chuckle plus i got a barb which is awesome to play that is a lvl 24 noobb:pleased