bump bump We welcome active 50+ members b:laugh
Yes, RK is interested in getting back into tw. This is just one of the ideas that has been put out by our members. First and foremost RK will be rebuilding so we can be stronger than ever when we enter tw.
Care to join RK since we ran over your baby?
I LOVE the predictions. I'm not afraid to admit it. I read them every week. After all this is a game. Everyone should just go and have fun. I'm happy that Rad shows up for our fights. We had a blast and learned a lot. Give us a few weeks and we will come out and play again.
Don't tell my hubby. b:surrender
Yes, Fuse, Lock, and Az left oh how many months ago? We seem to have managed just fine without them. Infact we gained members after we lost them. b:pleased All factions lost members this week. *shrugs*
An officer picked on your NAME. Don't pick a name like that and not expect a joke or two. I'm called Jaded all the time. I don't get all pissy about it. Also, don't go white name and expect not to get pked.
I agree this is just a game. Care to share I haven't had a blended iced white chocolate latte in forever!
No one knows what Rad. will do. If/when RK is taken off the map, only time will tell if they attack the other faction. If RK was taken off the map...I'm pretty sure we would attack whoever it was the next week. We enjoy our land and would like to fight for it.
It was meant that RK is "supposedly" Rads alt faction. Meaning all there alts are RK.
Has anyone ever stopped to think maybe Charity has an alt in RK because she likes to be able to play in peace? Why can't leaders of factions be able to have alts and just be able to play the game. Current Leadership in RoadKill Leader: Drakyria 79 Director: Jaded 83 Marshal: Cantessa 88 Marshal: FleurLacroix 87 Marshal:…