Jack_Nel - Harshlands Arc User


  • b:dirty Hl rooooles thers nothing better than hunting / running fr your life on a new and forein server (its what i do wen i get bored on sanctuary, wich doesnt happen to much jugeing by the fact that i'm only lvl 40ish XD ) and to keep it on the subject the only safezone with moobs i know is DW i posted with this caracter…
  • Guild Name: Cookiesss ^^ Guild Level: 1 (not for long) Guild Requirements: Lvl 30+, Active, fun, Helpful, Mature, sexy XD Leader: jack_Nel - <3 Archer Site: cookiesss.lefora.com Additional Info: join us, be a cookie XD, and have fun (ATM Rocat is killing all your bosses up to lvl 50 b:chuckle )