your soul and your firstborn for sure b:chuckle
Just my two cents on the religion topic: If the ppl in Haiti practiced witchcraft and therefore are evil would they not have been punished by now? Would the ones that were evil not be dead or beyond help? The survivers in Haiti are suffering and struggling to stay alive! They are innocent because they survived and need the…
Concerning the packs, here is what i found in pwi database: Armor: Weapon: Ornament: I wont join the event cause the possibility to get a new rare mount is < 0,5%. Seems its not worth to me. the…
If the devastator is failed to protect your npc (Harpy Wraith). Either mobs slipped through and killed it or the time to kill the boss ran out. Either way the rb is over.
Hiya everyone! btw if someone changed anything on the pages that you created, you can go into the history at the top and undo changes...normally...dont know if that is possible in this wiki. But only because someone changed a typo or added a pic or link your work is still saved and everyone can see what you did through the…
oooooooooohhhhhhh I feel an addiction comming along Thank god WQ and wiki work well together haha
@Jonnykins linked some detailed wiz skill tables to your page... only got some done today...hard work those intricate tables lol. Would really like some feedback on those...cause im not really satisfied with the sage demon info on the skills and if the info given is understandable...any ideas, comments,suggestions? Links…