I had to fail the quest (Trash). Take it again from the scholar. Get the dreamless/robbers again. When at the scholar, click the "faint" icon that blinks on screen. Note: in order to do the quest you can't hover/fly while trying to faint. The nightmare should show itself. Hit it two or three times and it should die, quest…
Regicide won in a fair 1 on 1 against Nefarious fight defending the land. We are all in different time zones so talking smack about us being non-Christians is just wrong. Please keep in mind that Regicide and Nefarious both have 200 members and only need 80 for a TW. No one has to miss mass for a TW and not a single person…
Hi, as a cleric I have tried numerous times to take a boss out on my own. It's not possible even in Light Armor to do solo mode TT as a cleric. I am watching my husband do it as we speak. He is a barbarian. Us clerics just can't because it takes both defense and HP to survive the hits. Venos can go easily since they have…